Get rid of tricolor arrows

in New Users
I seem to have turned on some damn thing that brings up a green, red and blue arrow on the body part of prop I click on. Which makes it damn near impossible to see what I am trying to pose. How does this @&$@&@$ thing get turned off?
I remember feeling the same way when I was first learning Daz Studio.
It sounds like you have either the Translate Tool or Universal Tool selected. Not knowing which layout you're using, I recommend you click on the Tools from the Main Menu and select the Node Selection tool from the popup menu.
I'd also like to point out, the Tools menu shows the icon for each tool on the left and the keyboard shortcut on the right. Though the location may vary between layouts, I'm pretty sure you'll find most of those tool icons on a handy toolbar, so getting familiar with the icons will help you as you learn the program. And if you can learn and use the keyboard shortcuts, even better. (I really need to do this myself. It's such a time saver.)
Thanks, that was a huge help.
There actually is some kind of bug buried in DS such that it will get into a mode where it will display the arrows even when other tools are selected. When it starts doing this, the only fix I’ve found is to restart DS.
Interesting. That's never happened to me.Yet! lol But now I know the fix when it does.