Download failed on DIM

in New Users
I bought this product three days ago
I sent a Ticket to Help Desk but so far No Reply - Thank you very much!
When i look at install i dont see it anywhere and when i try to Download it in DIM
i get "Download Failed."
What would be wrong with this product?
Probably nothing. With March Madness, the servers are getting a workout. The file is probably stalling during download, and timing out. When I was still using DSL, it was quite common for me to restart downloads via DIM sometimes 2 or three times.
You could try going to the product page in your Product Library and see if you can download the file manually. It's the same file, and will have all the elements needed for DIM, so you can actually download it to the DIM download folder, then hit the "Sync" button on DIM. It should then show up to be installed.
I Downloaded the File manually and placed them in My Library folder and in DAZ all the files are empty!!??
The download is a zip, placing it in My Library won't do a ything - and unpacking it manually is error prone. You could place it in the DIM Downloads folder (or whatever you call your Package Archive folder), then install from Ready To Install. Note that this product mainly adds new sliders to the figure, I think it has few if any user-facing files that appear in the content panes (maybe a zero all preset).
I installed it alright from the DIM now but nowhere it appears in DAZ and no new sliders to use on G2F
Edited to fix quote
Try this:
Do you see these morphs now?
Edited to add: I do not have this product, or I'd include a screenshot.
They are all Head morphs and are located in the Head region in G2F's Parameters tab. The sliders are all colored purple to easily ID them. In the picture attached, searching for headshape pulled up the morphs start with the name headshape from this product.
Thank you all - That solved my problem - I found it in the Parameter Tab.
You're welcome. I'm glad to hear you got it all sorted out.