Fit Control Add-On (Commercial)

Hi Guys. So there will be an addon with more morphs to help with things like skirt movement and areas of tops sweaters, more underwear features, as well as a few others. Also in this addon the G3 versions of Fit Control will be changed to match the G8 version to include a UI where you can now select what items to apply Fit Control morphs to. The Add-ons will support G3 Male and Female, and G8 Male and Female.
Latest product version is 1.3 for G3 UI. We made it work with Studio 4.11 as well. Thank you for your patience.

1000 x 1300 - 942K

1000 x 1300 - 897K
Post edited by Zev0 on
This is great news! By any chance are morphs for more control in the collar/shoulder area included? I find that the current Expand Collar morph gives comprehensive control over the collar/shoulder/high-front of the garment, but I sometimes need these areas separately controlled when I am working with jackets and shoulder-length hair.
Well the package isn't finalized yet so I can look at those. The original did have a Loosen Collars morph. So what added funtion do you want there?
I'm not at my machine; I can't give you a picture. But I'd like to be able to independently lower/raise the shoulders height as well as their front depth. This will allow me to fine tune what happens when I use/abuse the Loosen Collar morph. Thanks, Zev0!
By "front depth," I'm only referring to the top front part immediately adjacent to the shoulders (above the top of the breasts).
This area?
Yes, sir. That's the Depth morph I'm requesting (but it should NOT extend above the collarbone). And a Shoulder Height morph. Thank you so much for hearing.
If the Depth morph I'm requesting effects the area above the collarbone, then it will interfere too much with the action of the Loosen Collars morph.
Noted. I will see how this projects onto clothing.
What I would love to see from a Fit Control add is:
Shirts on women with big breasts looks always akward, because of the cloth under the breasts goes stright back to shirt
and it's currently not easy to fix the cleavage.
These are things dforce is perfect for.
FWIW, some things I've always wanted were the ability to roll up the cuffs of pants and shirt sleeves, as well as the ability to pull socks down so they're loose and baggy.
having morphs available on a piece of clothing does help a lot, even with dforce.
a lot of the new dforce clothing--especially the stuff being released by newer artists who might not be so familiar with rigging and shaping adjustments--have few or no pre-simulation shaping options. and those options are useful.
clothing often doesn't gravitate down convincingly unless you're running the dforce animation from a memorized pose. but even that doesn't always work so well, because of the awkward way that the timeline animation pane negotiates the space between the memorized pose and the final pose. it doesn't transition movements the way that people actually do.
really, i'd suggest that if Z is going to roll out a fit control update--and i guess i'm talking to you, Zev0!--it'd be good and probably commercially cool to throw in some clothing morphs that are designed to set clothing up for memorized-pose-off dforce simulations--pull forward for draping, cetera.
the 'simulate from memorized pose' is really awkward, because timeline animation is. and it also wreaks havoc on linday's lovely dforce hair products in a sim. lady littlefox's, too.
in my opinion, that is. :)
I tried it with dforce, before. Results wasn‘t good
I would like more morphs on the underwear or groin part of whatever male clothing, more options for bulges and swelling.
I recently used the RSSY for G1 to G8 and found that when I posed the character, the upper arms poked through the sleeves. No matter what setting I tried with Fit Control, I couldn't get the biceps covered; and the caharacters were not buff.
I don't have the G1 to G8...So without looking at the clones on that it's hard to see the results and make a fix. I know of the G8 to G3 issue. Is the poke through result consistant on all clothing? Or only certain types?
These are very hard to do. They look fine but the minute you bend either the arm or leg, those clothing items bend points are now shifted and conflicts with the figures bends. I will try and find a middle ground, but it isn't easy. It also depends where the clothing items cut off point is. The main issue is getting enough clothing samples of a similar type to do proper testing:(
Okay, it was a pie-in-the-sky wish item, but if you don't ask... I'm always doing scenes where people are supposed to look casual, but while there are a lot of shirts that open in front, cuffs and rolled up sleeves are incredibly rare.
Now that I think about it, maybe a nice add on product would be seperate sets of rolled up sleeves and pants legs that could be put on top of any existing product. Hide the existing lower part of the sleeves with an opacity map or the geometry tool, then match the colors with shaders... hmm...
INdeed, I may have too much free time. I read the secret message written in invisible ink.
Here's a product that won't take Fit Control for the G8 male: link removed
What happens is that DAZ Studio hangs. It never completes. I'm on a Macintosh Pro, running Mac OS 10.12.6, and DAZ Studio 4.10.something.123, in case that helps. DAZ Studio does not crash, but I have to select "Force Quit" to quit DS, and then restart it. I've tried this more than once, so, yes, it happens. I'm not complaining; I just thought you should know. I don't know if there's anything that can be done about it, but if you're revising Fit Control, you might want to take a look at this situation, and perhaps find a way that Fit Control could be added to this product.
Sent a PM.
Please just identify the content - so-and-so's thong set at Renderotica - rather than giving a link.
Here are the add-on morph lists for female version.
Installed and it seems to be working (I only gave it a quick test with base G8F and Basic Wear). Thanks, Zev0!
Thanks for confirming.
Do you mean these?
This will be a seperately sold product which adds more options to the base products (which will be required) in order to use the add-on features. This is not an update. The update that went live and that was mentioned here was a small one for Genesis 8 Female version which makes it future proof for the add-on, and also fixes the remove items script. That is a completely seperate instance to this product. Mention of the update that went live is in the Genesis 8 Fit Control thread but was brought up here. Hope that clarifies things.