How to make fire hair?

in New Users
I want to give a hair a fire shader, but not sure how to do it. The hair should then only be firery on the bottom.
I found some products like this but I only want to use the hair shader on a different hair. Any way how to do that?
I'll assume you are rendering in Iray? You could create a texture and transparency map in Gimp or photoshop. Creating the light effect is simple, if you also move the texture map into the emissive colour slot in the surface texture, and crank up the light. I'd recommend rendering with a bloom effect (can be found in the render settings), as otherwise you'll get the emission, but not that typical glow effect. (If this sounds all alien to you, let me know. I'm currently away from my render PC and can't describe it properly without screenshots).
Or you can use a product like the ones mentioned below, and then tinker around with the emission as described above.
Here's a guide to just that.