Hair Skull Caps & Transfer Utility

I'm trying to swap skullcaps (for one that covers more of the face - made by doubling the geometry of G8, if that matters, rather than in Hexagon etc so it'd follow the polyflow).

The tutorial I'm following says to create such a scratch skull cap, and then use TU on it, but when I use Transfer Utility (smoothing on or off) it makes the temples disappear below the mesh ... any ideas why?

Screenshot 2019-04-01 23.56.31.png
2892 x 1983 - 5M


  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited April 2019

    My first guess is that there are some morphs on the G8 figure that the skullcap is not following (autofollow). If you had added customized character morphs on G3 (with Morph Loader for example) you need to save them as Morph Assets before they will "autofollow". Or it can be an issue with the Transfer Utility settings that where used.

    My second guess is that the G3 figure is using SubDivisions see the Parameters pane Mesh Resolution for the G8 but your skullcap is set to Base Resolution. Select your skullcap then go to Edit>Figure/Object>Geometry>Convert to SubD now you can change the Mesh Resolution to High Res in Parameters pane. Notice there is a resolution for the preview in the viewport and a second resolution level slider for render quality that is set even higher. If I remember right on G8 figures the preview SubD level is 2 and the Render SubD level is set to 3.

    My third guess is that the default Smoothing Modifier Collision Iterations are set too low. Select the skullcap and have a look into the Parameters pane Mesh Smoothing section and turn up Smoothing and Collision Iterations until the scullcap stats "conforming" to the head shape.

    Finaly I would say your skullcap is not the best solution. It may be the exact copy of the genesis 8 mesh but then you have to take care its always set to the same mesh resolution to fit properly. Also it will need an (cutout) opacity map to blend over the figures skin texture. You also need to apply some iray shader settings - by default imported meshes use DzDefault shader. You can save a Shader Preset of another hair and apply it to your scullcap.

    I just recently made a skullcap/scalp with creating a GeoShell that seems to be a better solution because it will fit automaticly. With a GeoShell you don't have to care about Transfer Utility, Smoothing Modifier and SubD Mesh Resolution. You just need a useable UV set on the genesis figure to apply shaders and textures.

    For more info have a look here: Better scalp for hair (Geograft or geoshell)

    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
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