Re Default Shadows in Now-Crowd Billboards

On another site I saw an image in which the Modern City Life 2D billboard characters are used and I instantly noticed the same 'anomaly' I've also found when using these 2D characters: they come with a default shadow, so while 3D characters and props in the scene have their own sun-created shadows, the 2Ds have a double set, their default shadows and also the sun-created ones. I just checked the Now-Crowd products' images in the Store and in some of the images 2 sets of shadows at different strengths can be seen, while in others the default shorter and lighter shadows can't be seen. So how can one get rid of the default shadows? Unless I'm missing something basic it's seems odd - a flaw - that the 2D characters should come with default shadows as the sun-created shadows work just the same whether a character is 2D or 3D.


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