Iray Uber Shader Base.. Err, where?
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I have followed the YouTube tutorial showing how to apply an Iray Uber Shader to a sphere, but, for some reason the files are not where I expected them. So I searched the entire machine, and cannot find any files with names similar to that I expected.
Suggests I have missed a download, but looking at my download list, I don't think I have done so.
I'm running DS4.10 on a Win7 PC. Can I ask, where should I expect to find the files, and the name of one to look for? If they are not on the machine, where do I download them?
One further thing, my Win7 PC dates to 2014 and knows nothing about Open CL, so dForce doesn't work on it. Is there anything I can download to cure this?
They might be in the Default Resources for Daz Studio download
When installed you should find them in
Shader Presets> Iray>Daz Uber
Thanks. I did miss the default resources download when downloading Studio. That download does include the missing shaders.
Using OpenCL on the CPU is only one way of getting dForce to work; you can also have a recent(ish) NVidia graphics card, and double-check your NVidia driver version (some people are having problems with the next-to-newest driver version not playing nice with Iray). What graphics card do you have?
Edit: I just remembered, my Win7 PC is a good bit older than yours, and my CPU is just outside the range that can handle the dForce-required OpenCL 1.2 — your CPU might actually be OK if you can download the drivers. (It's the CPU vintage that's important, not the Windows version.) Not sure now where I went to check that info, hopefully someone will visit the thread soon with a link.
The links SpottedKitty refers to can be found in the OP of the dForce Start Here thread. Scroll down to the section titled: Are there any dependencies that I need to be aware of? and the links are right there.
That's it, thanks.
Thanks for that, would never have found it in a month of Sundays.
The graphics card is a 4Gb Nvidia Gforce 2000 which is a bit underspec'd for Studio, I think. However, the processor has a bit of grunt, 4 core (8 virtual) Xeon I5. Used it as my work PC until March when everyone in the Design Office was given first refusal on their PC as they were replaced. In 5/6 years of using it at work, SolidWorks never took it to more than 13% CPU use despite doing designs with up to 14,000 parts in the models (took 15 minutes to load at that usage). First use with Studio got it to 100% CPU for a 50 minute render.
I shall try to install the CPU drivers. Thanks.
SolidWorks is a CAD program, isn't it? These generally display the workspace roughly at the level of a DAZ|Studio preview, and don't have the large variety of lighting/surface material types and options that we have in D|S. The 100% CPU is normal; rendering is one of the most resource-intensive things you'll ever ask your computer to do, and puts the most strain on almost all of your system's components, especially the CPU or GPU (whichever one is doing the actual grunt work of the render).