Genesis 8 Baby in Carrara - first impressions

Greetings, I had some extra cash courtesy of our challenges (thank you) and bought a stack of the Genesis 8 baby stuff the other day.
A few questions came up in Philemeno's thread on HD - I didn't want to clog it up.
So here is a cursory review. Bare in mind I have only just started using Genesis 1, and had my first pkay with Genesis 2 the othher day.
All renders straight out of box.
Step 1, I grabbed Mysty's g8 loader from the other place - thank you Mysty you rock.
The three toes on the left foot suck and go awol on morphing g8. On examination the problem seems to be the toe nail edges where they meet the skin.
Changing the bone weighting doesn't do anything.
I note that they are hooked up to eg 'big toe 2' etc. But if I take this bone out and try to reinstate it I cann't choose it again - ie there is no eg 'Big Toe 2' in my list of available bones.
I kind of fixed it in the modelling room by changing the position of the verticies - worked alsmot for the two smaller toes but didn't help the big toe.
I had a brief play with unprotecting the mesh and welcing the wayward toe veritices to the flesh of the big toe - could be the way to fix it if you have patience - might casue other problems?
There also seems to be a problem on the left hand fingers with a wayward verticie or two - but that could be me.
The hand controls don't work. eg Clasp doesnt do anything when I have a hands selected.
Changing the materials by clicking a material preset in smart content makes Carrara Crash or otherwise tells me that g8 isnt available - could be because of Mysty's proxy?????????
None of the bump or normal maps came in with the original preset.
I bought Summertime clothes as well as other stuff seemed to be dforce. I changed them into blended weights in Daz Stuio but no joy in Carrara - I left the bloomers floating in space to undeline this.
Renders aren't too bad - I had to tweak the bump maps quite high from memory. I put white around the baby's hip to keep everything safe as far as tos
Kids face looks better in render because I think the Daz promos use a 38 mill camera and not a 100 mill camera - not sure of their thinking there.
Would I buy it? Juries out -
From my brief play with genesis 1 the auto fitting function for old clothes is a big selling point .
For G8, not sure how that works .... not really getting a choice - it's not click and fit then it seems to be a waste of time using the g8 baby - maybe not.
Any thoughts from others welcome. :)
Question: what's the best way to get old clothes fit on Gensisis 8???
Feel free to share renders from eg hiveire baby or genesis 1 baby morphs available at CG (Wendy I couldn't figure out where to put the files to make that morph work)
these poses are ones I bought for g8

that Genesis 1 baby morph file I copied it to the Characters folder open up DS and load G1 apply that file that I copied and then saved as a subset..
then it opens in Carrara
thanks Stezza, I'll have a look - obliged ;)
I better ask - the Characters folder is to be found in a particular spot? I seemed to have lots everywhere!
My Daz3d Library/People/Genesis/Characters
thanks Stezza :) cheers!
I don't have the G8 baby, but I will be watching with interest. It is something I might get in some future sale. The related thread in the Commons forum is quite negative, but I'm not always able to separate general negativity from genuine analysis. Usually, there are a few tips of interest to Carrara users in these product-dedicated threads, even if the test renders are for Iray. Here is a link to the Commons thread dedicated to G8 Baby.
G8M Mervin with some clothes fitted, will do a tute tomorrow.
baby for the male have any flyaway verts?
I’m surprised no one has done a render of baby8 getting thrown out with the bath Water!
thanks Ted, I was looking all over for a thread but didn't see that one - hah love the reviews :) didn't realise there were so many other morphs available
thanks Bunyiop02 that would be kind!!
Mystarra the male child seems fine! See raw render - different skins on arms to torso - lighting by caustics to get the reflection from the floor
ha ha give them time!!
ah if the click this one over on the right in my product list then the texture loads okay - no bump loads of course
you need to change the alpha on the cornea to zero percent to see the iris
Adding clothes to G8 in Carrara Part-1
1. Open DAZ Studio and load Misty's G8 Preset
2. Locate Character that you want to use and load
3. As Misty's Preset is grey I load a material onto the Character
4. Locate the clothing you want to use and load them onto the Character
5. Select one of the clothing items, then Unparent the item
6. Next we need to convert the clothing item to Blended Weight
7. Click on Edit
8. Click on Figure
9. Click on Rigging
10. Click on Convert TriAx/General Weight to Blended Weight
Adding clothes to G8 in Carrara Part-2
11. Now to save the clothing item, click on File
12. Click on Save As
13. Click on Scene Subset
14. I name it as G8 CharacterName ClothingName bw (for Blended Weight)
15. Click on Save, repeat process for each clothing item
16. While I am at it, I save the material file as well, click on G8 Carrara Preset BETA
17. Click on File
18. Click on Save As
19. Click on Material(s) Preset
20. I name it G8 CharacterName identifier
21. Click on Save
Adding clothes to G8 in Carrara Part-3
22. Open Carrara and load Misty's Preset
23. Click on Actor
24. Click on Parameters tab
25. Locate the Character morph/s
26. Dial in the amount of morph used in DAZ Studio
27. Go to Browser
28. Click on Content tab
29. Locate your saved Scene Subsets folder (or location you saved your clothing items to)
30. Locate the clothing item and drag onto Genesis 8
31. While at it, locate where you saved your Character material is
32. Drag Character Material file onto Genesis 8
33. Next up to fix black eyes, click on your Browser Shader tab, then click on Basic Shaders
34. Locate your Transperancy shader and drag/drop it on Eye Moisture & Cornea in your Shading tab
35. Apply pose file. Happy rendering !
As regards using older clothes on Genesis 8 (ie Kids 4 on Genesis 8 baby) there are several ways of doing that.
There are clothing converers that work in DAZ Studio:-
Then there is a method of creating clones which gets a bit involved.
neat tut @Bunyip02_Carrara
for those that want to do a dummy spit render I just modelled a creepy dummy!
find it in the Wacky Models thread
The Kreepy little dear..
The G1 morph from ShareCG with some adjustments...
Finally I could fit some pants to him.
Hey Bunip02 thanks so much for taking the time to do that - really apprecioated !!!
ha ha yes, very creepy Kreepy :) have you seen the cross morphs between Dorby (?>) and Tobin - on the commons forum - quite effective!!
thanks for the dummy too - i wonder if dummy spit is purely Oz?
yes much more respectable - strange creature he is - what method did you use for the fit ???
They call it a pacifier in the US
so they have pacifier spits lol
I changed his height to 100% in DS and saved this as a separate morph.
thanks Veronika :)
You are welclome!