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different lol
watching highlander. Duncan to me looks more italian than scottish.
Could be because he is anglo-italian. My first Husband was half anglo-italian and the Italian genes do seem to predominate. His older brother went out to South Africa to work during the apartheid era and had some problems because had had black wavy hair, brown eyes and the typical olive skin which meant he tanned easily and took a heavy tan in the South African sunlight. He was sometimes accused of being mixed race african.
i seen the sarafina movie. a horrible era.
duncan character was dressed nice most of the time. i think of italian men as well dressed
methos was from the bronz age. saw the episode with the horsemen
dunno why i find this so funny. lexx had some funny scenes.
Sorry if I have posted this movie before, I feel like I have but, anyways, Watership Down...stylized beginning:
if you don't have waterfalls of tears at the ending....:
Extraordinary beautiful artwork and animation from start to finish
futurama was a good laugh, so many brilliant references
all my circuits
all the things that can go wrong with a dastardly plan tee hee
Those inspired a whole wacky modeling thread!
How about wacky signs? And a wacky chase?
Movies So Bad They Were Pulled From Theaters
there something to be learned from failures lol
One of my favorite books is "You Movie Sucks", a collection of reviews by Roger Ebert (RIP). Another is his earlier book, "I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie". He is a great writer who knows what he's talking about, thus his Pulitzer Prize. The negative reviews can be hilarious, like one that said something like this movie was not quite as enjoyable as watching a blank screen for ninety minutes.
thinkin bout watchin a muppet movie marathon tnite
did Kermmy and Miss Piggy get hitched?
pigs in space lol
tee hee fork in the road
My wife & I have been watching "The Detectorists", a British comedy series based on a couple of guys using metal detectors to search for ... important stuff. Its pretty funny (8.6 at IMDB), and I wonder if an animation could work, based on finding ... stuff ...
imagine being able to do this
can we do mimic expression NLA clips of specifiic frames of a bump texture?
Very impressive. I once attended a lecture by a pro modeller using Z Brush. I recall he really emphasized the need to be familiar with human anatomy to do realistic work in Z Brush. da Vinci probably said the same thing about whatever software he used.
tee hee modern day grim reapers
life in plastic
its so tragic
Now this is a great stunt double.
i has no inspiration what to watch next on amazon prime
"The Directorists" is a very funny British comedy series, low key and just clever. We have it on borrowed DVD, I dunno where its streaming.
i like the britcoms.
waiting for god, keeping up appearances
was watching pink floyd the wall. meat grinder. ickk
i just remembered theres a dragon in harry potter. n/m they call em dragons, but is wyverns
losing my harry potter memory
Honeydukes was the candy store, was an Inn in Hogsmeade?
there was a centaur in the books
Buster Keaton as prison guard
I have been watching a lot of Charlie Chaplin's movies lately, the man was truly a genius, even if it took him a LOT of takes for a scene. (He owned his own production company with a huge facility in Hollywood). Keaton was every bit as good, and I'm guessing his death defying stunts (he did his own) did not take that many takes. Chaplin was like Robin Williams, Keaton more like Bob Newhart, but with spectacular pratfalls.
i asked ny 8yo neighbor what his favortist movie of all time is.
to my surprise isnt spiderman. Ted is the favorite.
I'm not a kid, but I vote for "Toy Story" (the original, 1995).
Buzz: Sheriff, this is no time to panic.
Woody: This is a perfect time to panic!
i can watch this stuff all day
Yup. some of the simulations look better than the real thing ...
"I went outside once. The graphics weren't that good."