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the magic plasma bolt
magic gone awry lol
bad ass nicolas cage
inspiration for your latest competition
watching prometheus, he's goin pretty pretty at a alien snake, like its a parakeet
got baad boding. he should stop that, stopp
Hilarious ... here in Texas, we use that technique for mosquitos.
remembering the scene in deadpool, when he's saying something about luck not being cinematic, meanwhile all kinda of crashed and explosions are going on around domino. lol
trying to pay closer attention to the camera work and angles, but become caught up in the story. doh
poor colossus, so much patience. lol
remember chronicles of riddick?
this cut scene packs some tension.
the music a big part of it. the missiles are comin, and then the missil e has an ebil eye
i love the design of balamb garden.
some catchy drumming in the middle
rally cute graphics.
they like jumping from the tarot cards
While channel hopping I came across "Urban Cowboy" on a local 24/7 old movies channel. This was filmed mostly in my area, including a nearby chemical plant, house, and the famous "Gilley's" honky-tonk (long defunct) which my wife & I went to many times (Bonnie Raitt!). They must have had some good lenses since you can see mountains in tha background in some scenes, e.g. the trailer park. The nearest mountain is about 1,000 miles away in Big Bend. But to stay on topic, a key element in the movie is a mechanical bull at Gilley's that you could pay to try to ride. Sissy (Debra Winger) gives it a pretty sexy shot. (And no, John Travolta is not a Texan.) I have a 3D mechanical bull and a few ideas came to mind.
i've a vague memory of it.
and the one with dolly parton and sylvester stallone
i cant explain it, i totally love Starblazers / Yamato series
some intense scifi battles. serious muzzle flash
sometimes they lose the battle
dont let the purple girl drive the ship lol
nightcrawler scene, pretty brilliant
considering doing a short version of excalibur
camelot, shakespeare, chaucer, are all public domain
happy birthday song isnt
Rivers big fight scene. on the brief side. yeesh. lot of buildup for a few seconds payoff.
I am a Huge River Tamm fan!!! :)
Firefly/Serenity Forver!!!
Yep. I'm still pissed at Fox!
summer glau on bbt
if you can stand the embarrassment lol
Yup, a funny episode. I was always impressed by the guest stars they were able to get. Besides Summer Glau ... James Earl Jones, Carrie Fischer, Buzz Aldrin, Bob Newhart, Stan Lee, Rick Fox, Steve Wozniak, LeVar Burton, Leonard Nimoy (voice), Mark Hamill, Billy Bob Thornton, Nathan Fillion, Elon Musk, Jack McBrayer, Ellen Degeneres, Chistopher Lloyd, Bill Gates, Kathy Bates, Teller (spoke two words), Kareem Abdul Jabbar, several Nobel Prize winners. And especially ... Stephen Hawking (RIP), who was hilarious.
I want to render some hot fantasy baritones now
the guys with the braids. sigh. day dream of em in soap on a rope
Will Wheaton. on episode of flags. lol
playing witcher3 again. seeing if it inspires a new render
just remembered this show. woulda been good for the magic challenge
Fun with mirrors
Geat voice acting, especially John Lithgow.
the stuff we should be making