11-13 Coupon Code
The coupon that ends 11/13 (which is today) is not valid THROUGH today? The code on the email sent from daz3d.com is code removed but when I applied it the message states it is no longer valid.
The email newsletter's title is " Go Crazy with Your Monthly $6 Coupon ", which was sent to my inbox at 2:20 a.m. TODAY, the 13th of November. On the blurb, this is stated: "Use coupon code: Code removed for $6 off your next purchase of DAZ products. Expires 11-30-13"
I click the link associated with this coupon, and it takes me to here: http://www.daz3d.com/new-releases . So, I scroll through things, select three props: Crazy Locks Female Hair, Crazy Locks Male Hair, and Tormented for Horror Movie Patient.
Now, if the coupon is not valid with these three products- why in the world would the link take me to them to use the coupon code FOR?
Can anyone give a little light to this issue? I'd like to use the six bucks while it's available.
PC monthly coupons cannot be used on PC products. They can only be used on Daz originals that are not PC $1.99 or value items.
This is all explained in the PC members only forum,
doh, saw the email, i thought it was a new coupie.
already used my nov coupie. sigh. can't remember on what, neural pathways shortcircuit
I got the email as well, but it wont apply for me either as i dont think i am in PC.
I hate when Daz tempts me with these emails for coupons I can't even use! >:(
Well you can use it, just need to sign up for the PC membership ;)
No Thanks. I dont like this "new" Platinum Club. How about since im NOT in PC, dont send me the PC newsletter? Problem solved.
11-13 isn't meant to be the 13th of November, it's the eleventh month of 2013 - the coupon is good for the whole month, on non-PC ($1.99 and $2.99) DAZ products.
are they letting us use it again this month?
No, the code is in the newsletter (as well as in members' accounts) as people were finding it hard to locate before - but getting a newsletter after you've spent it doesn't reactivate it I'm afraid.
I havn't spent the code before....My cart has PC stuff and some PA products in it...and it still says the coupon is invalid.
I have checked the spelling, looked for hidden blank spaces...and nothing works.
I can see how the email could be very confusing as the subject is "Go Crazy with Your Monthly $6 Coupon" then lists a bunch of products with "Crazy" in the title that the coupon can't be used for.
Would be doubly confusing for someone who is not a PC member.
I can't use the monthly coupon either and I do have DO's in the cart and the same exact thing happened last month telling me
the coupon is not valid and I am a PC member.
No Thanks. I dont like this "new" Platinum Club. How about since im NOT in PC, dont send me the PC newsletter? Problem solved.
You have a good point there.
I just looked in my account info and you can only unsubscribe from the general newletter but not the platinum club newsletter.
You must be receiving it as a former PC member. Check the next time you get one and see if they have an unsubscribe at the bottom.