VOTING THREAD - May the 4th Be With You Renders
In Honor of Misty the Awesome One, and of May the 4th (Star Wars Day because of the phrase May the Force be with you), we had a little render fun. Find a way to come up with 4 items from page 4 of a list and use them in a render by May the 4th.
Post your renders in this thread. I'll keep this posting thread open for several days to give people a chance to post. How about until May 7th Midnight Daz Utah Time. Renders can be submitted until then.
Please include
Entry #
4 items
Comments (if any)
Post edited by Diomede on
Entry # 1
Title - Farm Boy
Artist - Bunyip02
4 items - Charger Horse
Timeless Male Hair for Genesis
Heritage House
Genesis Starter Kit (Shirt modified)
Tractor F9N
Comments (if any)
Entry # 2
Title - Animals on the loose
Artist - Bunyip02
4 items - Jaguars by AM
DAZ Squirrel
Zoo: Rhinolicious
3x3 Funcat
Comments (if any)
Entry # 3
Title - Girls watching Platypus
Artist - Bunyip02
4 items - Platypus by AM
Dream Hair
Gia 6 Starter Bundle
Teen Josie 6 Starter Bundle
Comments (if any)
Entry # 4
Title - Double Trouble
Artist - Bunyip02
4 items - Adriana Hair for Genesis 2 & 3 Females & Victoria 4
Adult Hatchling Dragon
Adventure Girl 2
African Elephant
Comments (if any) - NPR
Entry # 5
Title - Wristbreaker vs Wyvern
Artist - Bunyip02
4 items - Wyvern 2.0
Wyatt Hair for Genesis 2 Male
Wukong Outfit for Genesis 2 Male
Comments (if any)
Entry # 6
Title - Warp speed action
Artist - Bunyip02
4 items - Starship Bridge 4 (for Poser)
RMBase V3
Moloch for M4
Bijin Cheongsam
Xena for V3
Comments (if any)
Entry # 7
Title - Mr Beep at home
Artist - Bunyip02
4 items - rmhdktmako_modified
palm trees 1_mod
Blooming Chestnut Cst_800 - TurboSquid
Lavender plant
Cartoon Dog D
Mr Beep
Comments (if any)
Entry # 8
Title - Dawn of the Centipedes
Artist - Bunyip02
4 items - WW2 Submachine Guns
WW2 Anderson Shelter
Worms (Centipede)
World War II U.S. Uniform HD for Genesis 8 Male(s)
Comments (if any)
Entry #9
Title Easter is Coming
Artist Stezza
4 items
Comments (if any) - was harder than it looks... a good challenge in honour of our Misty the Awesome One.
Entry #10
Title: Smuggler's Desert Camp
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
4 items - Desert Storm Vehicle, Skull Cove Props, Traveler Props pack, STJ Raptor Ps
Entry #11
Title: A Damsel Daring
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
4 Items: Actual Hair for Genesis, Adrea Hair for Carrara by PhilW, Ad Gladio for M4, Adal for the Sighni dress for G2F
Entry 12:
Title: Vlad's Walrus Sled
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
4 Items Vladimir for M4, Victorian House, Vintage Sleds, Walrus
Entry 13:
Title: Post Apocolyptic Snake Oil Salesman
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
4 Items: Unused Railway Bridge, Suffolk Wagon, Simple Fabric Iray Shaders (adapted and applied to Grantham suit), Materials Abounds Iray Shaders (adapted and applied to Grantham suit)
Entry # 14
Artist Headwax
Title: The Captain and his First Mate Jack Hargreaves - the 'Pirate Prince'
Used: used song bird, Castleguarde Silverkey's Monkay, Lisa Botanicals and William Kid
Comments : Great idea for a thread Ted, congrats Mysty for being in the hall of fame :)
Thank you participants.
You will be asked what your first choice is and you will be asked what your second choice is.
Let me know if there is a problem voting. My first time creating a survey monky questionaire.
Please add a post saying that you voted. You don't have to say how you voted.
I voted.
I voted! Easy peasy to do it, too!
I sent you a PM

Message received.
It wouldn't let me vote for myself ;)
We had some voting irregularities. Despite that, and because I used to teach at Lyndon Johnson's school (really) so know what voting irregularities really are, I will be announcing the conclusion soon. As an experiment, using Survey Monkey was interesting. Would have to put more thought and effort in the setup before would use again. I used the free unregistered version. Could get more features if wanted to.
RE: obscure LBJ Senate election reference - see mysterious ballot box #13.
I remember going to a business school in the National Press Building... we all had to wear suits - dresses, hats, gloves etc going and leaving the school. Whenever a VIP came to speak at the Press Club, we 'young ladies' were trotted out to the lobby in our gear to applaud, shake hands etc. LBJ came to the NPC as well as the late King Hussein of Jordan, and a few other while I was there. LBJ's hands were scratched and bruised from all the flesh-pressing he'd already done that day. It was rather repellant, so I didn't reach out. It must be a strange life... everyone just a sea of faces to these people.
Great experience, Silene!
The election officials identified several duplicate ballots after being alerted by concerned citizenry. Then the dubious absentee ballots from North Carolina had to be dealt with. Finally, people whose ballots were contained in ballot box 13 somehow managed to vote in alphabetical order. Mysterious! Diomede_Carrara is declared the winner. Local election boards have decided that Survey Monkey should only be used if there is more careful preparation. The results were covered by the Kane newspaper and publishing conglomerate. Click to play.
~ amazing ~
how can that be, I voted for myself 8 times and you still won :) :)
congrats and well desreved :)