Carrara's attach skeleton feature?

MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
edited May 2019 in Carrara Discussion

learning just how awesome carrara's import skeleton is. 

Can a injection file do it?  Mebbe a pz2?

i have the poser editor and dson editor. A car or. Cbr editor diesnt exist?

tenpted to attempt one. Is there a reference to lookup the codes like aboo23 means?

i made a ms acess database utility way back in the v4 days when her early characters were inj all her mirphs. I was able to create read script file to inj only the needed morphs by scanning the pz2 file for used morphs

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  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    What s import skeleton?  You mean like FBX, collada, etc that attempt to preserve rigging?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited May 2019

    wrong wording, i meant attach skeleton.

    so for example, new boned millenium dragon. 
    would like to figure out how to make a preset to inject a new rigging for a poser figure.
    i saw on the other store, an injection file for TY2 to give her weight map.  it was a pz2 file.
    a pz2 file won't hold carrara specific info. 
    i feel all alone trying to figure out .cbr files.  think there's a lot of potential there.

    mebbe even inject presets

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Not sure if an injection file could be used to attach skeleton.  I save separate versions of my mesh and my animatio group (mesh plus skeleton).  I just load the one I want to use.  Once a skeleton is properly within an animation group, can use NLA clips, but that presumes the skeleton is already attached.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    You would still need the later Poser to import an FBX to create a cr2 and any animations done on it imported with the FBX can be saved as a pz2, they don’t always work well in DAZ studio though even after being converted to weight mapping and saved as a duf support asset.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    As in regards to the DAZ dragons if you even legally could find a way to do it for anything more that your own renders, Carrara would not be suitable for use outside of Carrara, DAZ studio and the figure set up, rigging and weightmapping tools would be your best method for Dragon 3, the millennium ones you are probably better off working in Poser’s setup room.

    You would need to create child bones for faicial features and either weightmap the vertices or use the geometry editor or Poser grouping tool to set influence.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    poser figures arent  vertex, i suspect transfering a carrara vertex to poser obj loses data and relying on poser obj to vertex to rrecreate that lost data doesnt seem to me to be the best workflow. 

    the earlier poser figures didnt need like v4 bat files to create morph channels.

    its been a long dream to not need poser as a carrara plug in.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    Any obj is vertex

    a FBX saved as a cr2 creates runtime files including vertex geometry 

    you cannot create a Poser or DAZ compatible figure in Carrara alone

    you need either Poser and/or DAZ studio 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    its hard to tell exactly what carrara weightmap is doing, it all looks like hexadecimal tp me


    dual quats so much fun


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Not sure why you want to give yourself such a headache, but it sounds like you want to create a whole new rig for (according to your example) the Millennium Dragon, right?

    Here's the limited info I know on this subject, if you want compatibility with DS, Poser, and Carrara:

    Since you want to make a "new" skeleton, you can use Daz Studio's bones and weight maps to make it Triax, if that's your aim. For something like Mil Dragon, I think you might be hard-pressed to do better than what Daz3d did. 

    If you want to make a new skeleton the Carrara-compatible Poser method, it's quite different than the bones system, in that we name the vertices of the mesh, and where those names are according to the mesh creates the rig, then a whole lot of tweaking is involved to get the bending correct via limits, JCMs, etc.,  Never quite did this except for making conforming clothing, which Daz Studio helped with immensely through the CCT's transfer utility.


    Another way to deal with the Millennium Dragons I and II is to turn off or change the limits. Both can be quite the Beast (see what I did there?) to pose by hand, yet that seems to be the best way (that I've found) to pose them - especially if animation is the end goal. Turning off limits will create nightmares for animations, unless we counter to disaster points as we go.

    Daz Dragon 3 seems a lot easier to me, having built-in pose dials to assist. 

    The wonderful thing I love about Carrara in working with stuff like this for my own use, is the ability to just quickly make morphs on the fly, that I can save to the Carrara version. Sure, I could export the morphed figure as an OBJ and set up the actual morph dials on the dragon using Daz Studio, but I never need to have that cross-compatibility for my projects.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    just want it to have every feature carrara gives

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