Main menu disappeared
When I run DS4.6 today the application’s main menu have almost disappeared (probably due to a suspicious virus scanner). Only files/exit and a few other items are left. Data seems to be there but I have no way to access settings etc. I try tu “uninstall / reinstall” but nothing changed
Any idea for restoring the main menu back?
You should still have the Window menu - Window>Workspace>Select Layout should get you back to the normal menus.
It’s back again Thanks to you Richard; I entered this menu a few times and got out without clicking any item. Silly, isn’t it.
I'm having the same problem, however my Window menu only shows "Panes" option and nothing else. Is there another way to reset layout?
Mac or Windows?
I have the same issue, however my Window menu only shows "Panes" option and nothing else. Any help pls? I use Windows.
Please to post same question only once ;-) I offered a suggestion here: