avoiding keyframe animations of objects
Posts: 481
How can I avoid creating keyframes if I move objects? (Now all objects are flying around!)
I just want the camera to be animated, but not the object. (I need to re-arrange their position constantly, so locking their XYZ-position will not really help me; all I want is to deactivate keyframing it automatically)
Is there a way to avoid keyframing?
i would like to know also
only perspective view can do this normally
and would be a nice demand toggling keyframes off
perhaps an "easy" script
or more "perspective view" cameras to try out with
Select the things you don't want to move, then in the Parameters pane option menu (right-click the tab or click the menu button in the top corner) select Clear Animation>Clear Selected Item(s)
that was the question
that was the question
You can't, but by your description you don't want any so simply clearing the animation from the item will work. if you want to retain two or more keys then you would have to use the buttons on the Timeline to move to each unwanted keyframe in turn and then to remove it.
All objects DEFAULT to keyframing if moved. That is a built in function. The Timeline believes you want that motion in the item. As Richard has said Clear that objects Animation is the only way to move a item without movement in the Ani File.
@Richard Haseltine: Thanks!