Crazy idea (again)

So, after realising some characters come with a million things (props, poses, presets etc), I was wondering, if it's possible to get rid of everything not needed in the installation package itself, installing it and having the content that's in showing up under Smart content. To explain things:


Let's take Lee 8 character for example. Imagine that he comes with:

- 2 sets of hair, 5 presets for each one

- Beard, 5 presets for it

- Eyes, 5 presets for it

- Skin

_ poses 

- props


That's the content of it, but let's say I only wanna keep skin and 2 eye presets. Can I delete everything else I don't need, re-pack the file, install it and have the things I left in (skin and 2 eye presets) showing up in Smart content without any other (!) items causing errors.


If not, is there any other way I could do this? I have many packages and the amount of files is enermous. I am not trying to reduce file size, I just don't need all the files I bought.




  • LenioTGLenioTG Posts: 2,118

    You can't do that automatically.

    You could install everything manually and organize it in Content Library, but I would advice against that, it's not practical. I have OCD too...sometimes is better to just leave it be.

    I guess you're talking about bundles. Characters usually just have morphs and materials.

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