iray uber base shaders & parameter lock ?
I read & tried several things with shader under iray uber base.
Some shader presets effect not all aspects (e.g. only something like an overlay effect).
Can you see for presets before loading which IUB aspects it effects?
Can you force presets to avoid effecting specific IUB aspects when loading ?
(I only found ignoring the image.)
I locked parameters like base color and applied a shader preset. But locked parameters are also overwritten.
Can it be suppressed? What is the sense of "lock"?
Thank you
Post edited by chrom on
A few questions there. :)
One thing you could try if you want to experiment with "blending" shader presets would be to save your own Shader Preset and only select the parts that you want to make sure stay constant. Then you could load the 3rd party Shader Preset, and re-load yours to set those properties back the way you wanted them.
Ah ok, thank you.
Would it be an idea for minimize effort to put a primitive object into the scene, load the 3rd party shader on it and copy only wanted aspect/parameters to my real / target object (also e.g. for testing different single subsettings; then perhaps with a second primitive to copy paste the orignal as backup)?
Or do I miss something in this "workflow"?
No, that should work too.