Normal map, Bump and Refraction (updated)
Posts: 133
i noticed that an old 4.10 water shader i made, wont work in 4.11 with normal amd bump maps if i set refraction index and weight to 1.0, thats an old render
but now the water its completely flat, if i not adjust the refraction values
as i know there are a lot of changes in the render panel, new option and, as i feel (im not that technical so maybe i am wrong), also some changes in default render settings
anyway, awesome update! :)
Post edited by DireWorks on
Plase report this, via a Techncial Support ticket. I didn't notice the move from 4.10 to 4.11 as being the cause but others have reproted seeing a marked chaneg in bump/normal behaviour and certainly I am seeing a lack of relief in soem cases (turning up the bump value in the Iray Uber base, I can't recall its label, does help). You might also want to look at
setting a 0.9 value, on both index and weight will give a better result, not sure if i can get the same result as the render, i will check before sending the ticket,
thank you
I experimented a bit, its not about the refraction index and weight levels properly but from glossines
with share glossy imputs ON
glossy roughness slightly >0 bump is working
if share glossy imput is OFF
if glossy or rfraction roughness is >0 bump wont work
all of this with refraction index and weight set to maximum
I am guessing one of those 'on's should be an 'off'?
ehrm, probably i was also off :D
corrected, thank you