DAZ FBX Export issue when objects are scaled

Exporting FBX from DAZ is usually a crap shoot as rarely it is ever a WYSIWYG affair. I've tested so many iterations of methods, workflows and trial and error. Finally I figured out that if I were to scale things in DAZ and export the scene to FBX, the assembled props "explodes". I've found that exporting the prop as a OBJ then re-importing it has some success but it does become bothersome when you have dozens of props.

It would be nice if I could just export what I see in DAZ and get something similar when viewing the exported FBX file.

Any tips and tricks appreciated.

2019-07-06 23_18_02-Autodesk FBX Review (v1.4.1.0).png
866 x 521 - 111K
2019-07-06 23_18_10-DAZ Studio 4.10 Pro - TUTORIAL.duf.png
671 x 618 - 191K
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