Stop the render to make a change?
In some thread here, someone mentioned that he had to "stop the render to make a change". That made me wonder.
When I notice there's something to change in a scene I'm rendering and stop the render, after the change I restart it.
Does this mean that I could in fact stop a render, make a change in the scene and *resume* the render (rather than starting it anew) and the changes will be implemented?
Iray allows a limited number of chnages to render settings, which can be made with the pop-out panel at the left edge of the render window. Changing the content will always require a restart I'm afraid.
Would have been too good. Thanks for your answer.
In fatc, today I tried to figure out what changes you could make to the settings, but couldn't find the "pop-out panel at the left edge of the render window" . I see nothing there.
It looks like a small double line on the far left edge of the actual render window in 4.10+ I've attached a screenshot for you!
Thank you. I would never have found it...
Np glad to be of help! Were you able to do what you wanted in the window?