V4 custom morphs
Right, I have searched these forums, and the web, to try and find the answer to my problem.
I am using Daz 4.6 (64 bit) and Blender 2.67 to make my own morphs.
Amongst others, I have read, and found this thread to work for me... (http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/6728/)
Well, I say works for me, it works perfectly for Genesis 2 Female... But No matter what I do I cant get it to work on V4.2
I have tried various exporting/Importing settings... They all seem to work until I get to loading them.
Morph loader Pro loads them with no error messages, but doesnt show any dials or anything.
Morphl oader Advanced loads to 99% but then says "One or more of the files had no effect"
What the hell am I doing wrong lol... Genesis 2 works brilliantly... but V4... AAARRRggggghhhhhh.!!!