Orient express

I have some imported objects whos orientation all over the place. I would like to position it and RESET its orientation to my XYZ I have tried GROUPING it and it just orientated to in a other weird direction.
Is there any way to reset an object orientation?
Is it a vertex object?
If so, you can vertex edit within the assembly room to align it that way.
First align the axes as you want them make sure you move the hotpoint if you need to,
then fire up the vertex editor within the assembly room,
now select the whole object, rotate and move it to where you need,
confirm the vertex edit and check the model in the assembly room.
You will probably need a little back and forth to get it spot on.
Save the final object to the browser of course.
I often work orientations by visually, individually rotating object on its axes and at same time visually watching the properties tab to see what the position and rotation numbers are doing....to give me an idea where to change numbers to what value.
So then I move or rotate on one axis and get it close to desired position and then enter the specific number desired.
Example rotating close it says - 176.5 degrees and I change it to -180.
And sometimes the reverse works better.....go to the numerical vales and "spin" one axis using numbers arrows and see what moves where, then pick a typical value like 90 degrees.
If the incoming objects final position turns out to NOT be a std direction....then I use the 4 view and align object to the grids or world space.
GENUIS! I never thought of that!
Don't forget you can copy/paste info in properties boxes (angles, size, location) one item at a time, from one object to another