Stranger Things Composers Break Down the Show's Music

"Stranger Things" is quite the hit TV series, 8.9 at IMDB. The music is a big part, and these two tell how they go about it. I have a few old analog synths, but these guys have a boatload of analog gear. I especially like the discussion at about 7:15, where they used microtonality (the sounds between the piano keys) for eerie effect.
Post edited by Steve K on
Thank you so much for sharing!! I love this show and have not seen this current season.
You're welcome. I am just finishing the second season. One interesting thing to me is the show occasionally comes across as a parody. E.g. immediately after a particularly harrowing escape (trying to avoid a spoiler), we get two characters calmly saying "Hey, Bob." "Hey, Jim". Reminds me a little of "The Cabin In the Woods" (2011), which I like a lot ... three stars out of four from Ebert: " ... it's exciting because it ventures so far off the map. One imagines the filmmakers chortling with glee as they devise first one bizarre development and then another in a free-for-all for their imaginations." Yeah, sounds like "Stranger Things".