Hiro 3 where did I get him?
I have not got Hiro 3 in my purchase history but had him so was on a mag disc or Cnet DS2 or 3 Download.com if the latter I am out of luck no longer on offer unless I find my installer.
Redid all my library through DIM, no Hiro 3 :long:
does anybody know any bundles offers etc he might have been in?
got about 50 magazine discs to search through
otherwise might need to buy him.
Hiro 3 was part of the figure bundle that is or was available at CNet, along with the base A3, V3 and M3.
thx Richard, I might hopefully have him then, was a mag disc for DS2 that had content listed inc V3, M3, the mildragon LE, animals and environment I found but did not see him listed, will install to dummy folder and see.
I have quite a few discs with DS2 & 3 it seems, was on every other magazine!
no that one had V3 M3 the animals fairy forest etc
still looking
grabbed all the figures again from Daz when free but missed poor Hiro3 :long:
ISTR the zip was called something like p5modelbundle
The p5model bundle that was availble through Cnet contained the V3, M3 and A3 base and H3.