Missing UV at Export .obj and Import in Adobe Dimension or Photoshop CC
When I create just a cone in Hexagon (Version in Mac OS 10.14.5), export this object as .obj and import it in Adobe Dimension 2.2.1, I will get an error but no import. When I oben the file "cone.obj" in Adobe Photoshop CC 2019, I will get a hint of the problem. It says "The UUs on this 3D scene are missiong or invalid …".
I found three ways to solve my problem:
1. in Hexagone create a material with a .png-Image, set it on the cone and than delete the material again. Exporting this file, Dimension will open it without error.
2. In Hexagone use the Tools -> UV & Paint -> Cylindric Projection on the cone. Exporting this file, Dimension will open it without error.
3. In Photoshop open the cone.obj-File, use 3D -> Generates UVs, exporting it as .obj-file with a new name, and import it in Dimension without error.
Are there any other users in here, who uses HEX as a modeller for Adobe Dimension? What are your experiences?
So? Unless you explicitly (or implicitly by assigning it a texture material) UV map it the object will have NO UVs. That is completely normal.
The problem is solved by the new version of Adobe Dimension 2.3. It will import an objekt also without UV-information like the Photoshop do.