Importing Sculptris Characters into Hexagon and creating clothes for them

Hello, Dear community,
my last question about the symmetry of an obj file isn't relevant anymore because I found that I do not need symmetry for an imported file. Thanks very much to the ones who answered me. Now I have a new problem: I want to make clothes ffor the characters I made with Sculptris. After I worked with edges and vertices over weeks, I decided to use a fast way. And the fastest way is to select parts of my characters, of course. But the thing is: The faces of the meshes of my characters aren't orderd evenly like I see it overall in the tutorials and on pictures. So, when I try to make trousers by selecting my characters they are done immediately, and they don't look really bad, but they could look always look better, as you can see in the image below. Any advice?

Use the body as a mannequin and model separate clothes around it. Just like in the YouTube vids, or which there are so many of.
I know I could do it that way. But I didn't want to bother with edges and vertices anymore.