Fiery Genesis: How to find this tutorial?
![Subtropic Pixel](
I have it; according to the store it's "already purchased".
I can find it in DIM. I can find some of the pieces/parts.
But I can't find the actual "tutorial". Is this a video? An HTML, Word, PDF, or other document?
"Info" via DIM leads me to the info HTML page, but this is completely useless other than the list of component files I can get from it.
While the component parts are nice to have, dissection is just about the SLOWEST way for me to learn, without a few starter scripts to follow. So that I am not celebrating my millionth birthday mummified in front of my monitors before I learn this stuff, I'd like to get to the actual step-by-step tutorial, if such a thing exists.
Help! And thank you. :cheese:
The separate product is for DS4.0, it's built into DS4.5+
If you have the latest DS that just came out this week I believe it's in Scenebuilder -- try Help > Home > Scenebuilder
You should find it in the Content Library pane under DAZ Studio Formats > My DAZ 3D Library > Scene Builder > Starter Essentials.
Thanks guys, but this still does not answer my question.
As I said in my original post, I can find the "stuff". But I cannot find the tutorial; the "how to" instructions. In other words, I am looking for more guidance on how to use this stuff.
I'm not very good at this yet, so throwing a bag of bones or nuts and bolts at my feet and asking me to make something with fins or wings will neither get you nor me anywhere until I have had a chance to practice first by way of some step-by-step instructions or demonstration from somebody who has already been there. Once I learn the mechanics and fundamentals, then I will be able to explore more and only my imagination will be the limit.
So once again, is "Fiery Genesis" an actual tutorial, or is it nothing more than a bag of bones and nuts and bolts?
There is a tutorial video from DAZ on YouTube.
Here is a link to the YouTube video on Fiery Genesis by Blaine Furner, it is an older tut, but you can still follow it.
It was short, just got right into the basics, and didn't go into too many details or advanced features; and this was absolutely perfect for somebody new.
I hadn't thought to just search on Youtube. I'm going to do some more of that. Sure, you'll get a lot of content all over the map, but it's worth it to look at some of it while I build my own workflow habits. Thank you for the link and suggestions.