Diffeomorphic trouble shooting

Using the 2.8 RC if that's important. I have installed the plugin on both the daz studio side, and the blender side. On the blender side, I have linked the max number of libraries allowed, the g8f and g8m libraries are linked, they are the only two libraries that would be used for this export test. I saved a duf, exported the json with the same name as the duf, in the same folder. When imported, it seems to be an empty group, I don't see the characters I imported, even with using the frame selected. I tried zooming way in and way out in case it was a scale issue. Not seeing anything there. I tried to find the error report file, but there doesn't seem to be any created in my documents. Not sure where to go from there to troubleshoot it.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\dragon\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import-daz-bb15d1ca5708\daz.py", line 51, in execute
getMainAsset(self.filepath, context, self)
File "C:\Users\dragon\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import-daz-bb15d1ca5708\main.py", line 84, in getMainAsset
File "C:\Users\dragon\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import-daz-bb15d1ca5708\cycles.py", line 62, in build
Material.build(self, context)
File "C:\Users\dragon\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import-daz-bb15d1ca5708\material.py", line 209, in build
self.uv_sets[uvset.name] = uvset
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'location: <unknown location>:-1
Found that in the console, no idea what any of that means though
1. what file name are you using for the .duf and the .json? it seems like i have issues when using a name with underscore. MY_FIGURE.DUF would throw errors but resaving the scene as MYFIGURE.DUF with no changes at all within the scene would throw no errors in Blender.
2. are there any geoshells like dirt overlays or anything with transparencies like sheer or fishnet stockings?
3. is the scene complex or simple? maybe try just loading up a single figure with default pose and shape and the default textures.
ohh and also when you are in daz and you save the file are you in the geometry editor?
one more bit of info that might or might not matter, using DS both are 64 bit
1) No underscores in filename, there are spaces though, didn't see anything in the docu about a naming convention
2) I do have 2 geoshells, they are invisible, and only used for collision offset manipulation with clothes smoothing
3) I was thinking 2 figures posed would be a simple test, as compared to a full scene, a default figure load test is a good idea. It worked fine on that test
4) Was in universal manipulation tool in studio when I exported, I am not sure I ever used geometry editor, not that I can remember at least.
1) I would just keep this in the back of your mind then in case you ever run into any issues that no other solution can resolve. To be safe i just changed up how i name my dufs and jsons.
2) i think if the geoshells are hidden in Daz when you save the duf/json it should be fine. I was messing with a file and i had some of my geoshells hidden and it worked fine without me knowing about it.. But when i unhid them and resaved the duf/json i started getting issues and i had to find out what it was and thats how i learned that geoshells cause issues if they are visible.
Triued a new test with the 2 posed peoples, removed the geoshells competeply, and set the people as the colision object. For some reason, only one of the posed people end up in blender, and his clothes and hair is missing lol.
What version of the plugin are you using? I have had issues like you are seeing in the past with geoshells but the development version of the plugin works better on that score for me. It's not perfect. I think the difficulty is there is no direct equivalent for a geoshell in Blender, i.e. something with no geometry but is UV mapped and can have materials assigned to it. (You can get a similar effect but it's not simple.)
Are there any messages in the Blender console window after you get the one figure without hair and clothes?
At first I tried with blender RC, and developement version. Next I tried with blender 2.79b and the stable plugin. Both seem to be doing the same thing. The latest test I tried unparenting all the clothings and hairs from the people, to see if that helped any, didn't seem to make a difference at all. It's genesis 8 female character and genesis 8 male character with clothes and hair I am attepting to import. The male makes it naked and bald, the female doesn't make it at all.
This is from console last attempt.
Not a very informative message, I'll agree. It seems to be indicating some problem handling the UDIM tiles in the UV layout. This is not something I have seen using this plugin.
In your position, I would try to isolate which piece of clothing/hair on the G8M is causing it to choke by a process of elimination. If you can do that, it may be worth raising a bug report to Thomas Larsson. If there is only one offending item, you could perhaps replace it with something similar that doesn't cause this issue, and everything else might then load OK.
There is certainly a texture problem since it got an error from DAZUdim
I can't check right now but I'll try to have a look later to the code to know what it's awaiting
Did you try with a G3 figure?
Don't use any of the older figures anymore, so I purged those libraries long ago.
Good idea, I still have the duffs around, so I can load em up one by one.
So one of the offending items is https://www.daz3d.com/mrl-buzz-cut-hair-stubble-and-scars-for-genesis-8-and-genesis-3-male
The other offending item is https://www.daz3d.com/intimates-for-genesis-8-male-s the boxer shorts from that set
One other odd thing I noticed, I loaded up a scene with the pants, shirt and shoes that worked individually, loaded fine. But if I add either the hair or boxers, the error they make, block all the other clothes from loading at all. Where is the best place to report these findings to, bitbucket?
Dangit, I went and tried to fill out a bug report there, and after all the typing and copy pasting, I hit submit and it told me
No clue what that means, I hit the back button hoping it would be all filled out, but nope. All my hard work gone, gone gone! Doh! Second attemp worked at least, I hope I did it right lol.
I can see an issue #356 on the Bitbucket issue tracker which looks like your issue, so you seem to have got it logged OK second time round.
Unfortunately, I don't have either of the items that are causing you problems so cannot help much further. I have noticed that the plugin does just give up when encountering errors like this - it doesn't skip the offending item and carry on loading the others. That just seems to be the way it's been designed.
There are so many products available, each built to different standards, which cannot all be tested, that there is a small element of luck in whether the plugin copes or not. Logging a bug report when it doesn't cope helps everybody.
Can anyone report a new bug with the newest diffeomorphic as I don't know where to report it.
For some reason it isn't possible to import any poses into blender (through the "import pose" button) anymore, no matter what blender version, can anyone have a look into it and confirm this?
The Bitbucket issue tracker is currently here - https://bitbucket.org/Diffeomorphic/import_daz/issues. It moved very recently when Thomas Larsson revised the name of the plugin slightly for technical reasons.
It's always best to report your own issues, rather than have someone else act as an intermediary. You will need Bitbucket account (free). Include the version of the plugin you are using as well as the Blender version(s), which figure and which poses have you tried to import and how you did it. Also anything you did to the figure before trying to import the pose, and any special circumstances e.g. the figure has geografts attached.
I've just done a quick test using G8F in Blender 2.83.1 and the dev version of the plugin downloaded a couple of weeks ago. I had no issues importing a pose from the G8F base pose collection.
Importing poses works for me; release and beta; I use 2.82 and 3.
What do you mean by impossible to import?
They are wrong in some? Nothing happens when you import?
Detail the steps you are using. Lots of info.
When I try to export one of the standard g8f poses from daz as .duf and .dbz ("export to blender.dsa") and then import it into my blend file with a standard gen 8 character (standing in standard a-pose) than it doesn do anything and there is no error, just nothing, no matter what blender version (2.79, 2.82).
First you need to import the scene - which may only include one character of course - into Blender, using the plugin's Import DAZ File button. That's what you need the .duf and .dsa files for, saved with the same name (apart from the extension) and in the same folder. That should get you the figure in the A-pose (or whatever pose it has in Daz Studio).
Then, select the figure's armature (skeleton), click the Import Pose button and browse to your chosen .duf file for the pose. Note a few poses may not work, but try one from the base poses collection as a test. (If there is clothing or hair etc. they have their own armatures which need to be merged with the figure's armature or they will not move with it.)
It is well worth reading the documentation for the plugin if you have not done so yet.