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I tried again with 4.12 Beta, 440.12 drivers and rendering an image series. I cut the scene size down to under 5GB and ran it. GPU-Z showed VRAM at around 5.3GB for frame one and then 6.4 for frame 2 but by then it had dropped to CPU (without exceeding the 8GB limit). I then tried it in 4.11 (Optix Prime off) and it rendered the whole image series without a problem. The only problem was that a 4.12 scenes opened in 4.11 was doing odd things so I didn't make any chages - just rendered.
I find it hard to believe that I am the only one having this image series problem but then that's not the first time.
What happens if you attempt to render the image series in 4.11 with OptiX Prime acceleration switched to ON? Because that's the mode you should be using if you wanna make an apples-to-apples comparison between 4.11 and 4.12 rendering behavior.
I did try that and it did drop to CPU with Optix Prime switched on. However, I suspect that this indeed did force the VRAM above the 8GB limit so forcing the fallback. That was not the case with the 4.12 render - it dropped to CPU well short of the 8GB.
Since my last post I have installed the latest driver - 441.28 - and it is still dropping to CPU on frame two. My point is that if it renders frame one ok, why not all the others - nothing gets aded to the scene. Then I tried with a basic scene with just a G8F and a 5 frame pose change animation. That rendered all five frames perfectly well - using 4.12 Beta and 441.28 drivers. So I checked back through the log to where the CPU fallback happened and - well, I can't spot a reason. Maybe someone else can.
Ran another render with the scene that crashed to see if I could catch the error. This is from the log for that session, showing the CPU Fallback and the reported error.
And here's screen shots of GPU-Z showing VRAM usage during Frame 1 (GPU) and Frames 2 and 3 (after CPU fallback). The figure in the title bar (5146 MB) is the maximum value recorded during that session (though it doesn't seem to reflect the actual figure in frame 2).
Fyi, I'm running the current beta build + Nvidia Drivers 441.41 and there are artifacts being introduced in the renders. Upon restarting the iray preview the artifacts go away.
Windows 8.1 64bit
EVGA GTX 1080ti SC2 x 2
32GB Trident Z RGB
Every liquid cooled.
More information on the Image Sequence issue.
These scene that was failing contained two characters (G8 and G3) and very few props. I had previously run Scene Optimizer to reduce the texture sizes by half.
1. Tried another image sequence but removed one character. Scene rendered past frame 1 and continued. No fallback to CPU.
2. Loaded scene again with both characters and then removed the other one. Same result as pervious attempt - sequence rendered (no fallback to CPU).
3. Reduced textures by half again with characters present in the scene. Result: scene rendered ok past frame 1 again. VRAM peaked at around 5GB in frame 2 according to GPU-Z (I'm starting to mistrust the accuracy of GPU-Z).
So my question remains: why would IRay render the first frame happily but then suddenly require more VRAM for the second - causing the render to drop to CPU?
I did notice one further curiosity. I have muscularity morphs on my characters and I noticed that between scene one and two, the little IRay progress window was reporting loading lots of .dsf files (morphs). I am not aware that morphs take up much (if any) VRAM but I thought it worth a mention.
Unfotunately the timeline scrubber pinned to the first frame of a zoomed in timeliline (from left); is still an issue in Daz Studio Pro BETA - version This pretty much makes the timeline useless for any animation greater than a couple of hundred frames. A ticket #312166, was opened, and confirmed by zendesk, and sent to bug tracker on 1 Nov 19.
Until then I will continue to use Keymate timeline. It's a shame though, I really like the new timeline.
My two cents worth...
Are you running 16GB system RAM? Your system ram in your screenshots are showing very close to 16GB.
Have found my setup need tons of RAM. When I started with DAZ was at 16GB, upped it to 32GB, still not enough (for my 11GB RTX2080ti), so upped it to 64GB. Am at a sweespot now with this vidcard. Your drop to CPU may be a system RAM thing? If you are at 16GB ram, the your system is probably starting harddrive mem swapping, and that's drop to CPU time.
PS. Srsly check out that Xray camera. You'll be amazed at the speed difference for scene panning and testing.
Nope - 32 GB System RAM. Also, the system memory only climbed to that figure when the render dropped to CPU therefore using system rather than VRAM. So that's not the cause of it dropping to CPU.
Thanks for the reminder about the XRay camera - I'll look now.
why doesnt the viewport resize anymore?
if panes are docked to it they obscure it too
I just have the timeline docked to it and if I don't have it fullscreen both the viewport and timeline are clipped.
@Saxa -- SD ... Oops - I just realised that I asked you about that X-ray camera when you first mentioned it, promptly forgot that and asked you again when you next mentioned it. Such are the tribulations of being an old man.
I can't find where you mention where the camera can be found though.
I am guessing they are Paper Tiger at Renderosity
Quite right - I just found it. Was just about to add, never mind. :)
found that only my left-most viewport pane is adjustable. Slide it and the others adjust. Was it different before? Though I do have Iray Viewport at far right with two columns to the left of that. So not sure if that makes a diff.
Can't quite picture what is happening with obscurig- clipping. Can you post a screenshot? Sounds like something isn't properly docked?
Haha. Have a lovable uncle who you reminded me of. Compliment only intended. No Probs. :)
Well blimey on the 16gb idea. 32gb better anyway.
There is a free X-Ray at DevArt (no link sorry). Am not sure of the difference between that and PaperTiger's version at Rendo which is what I use. Search for PaperTiger, and there are at least three of their HDRI lighting sets that include the camera. Great time to buy over there too with store off at 50% off.
Edit: Huh that's wierd. Both your last posts just showed up now.
Thanks again for this suggestion. Nice that there is a Black Friday sale so I got it (the Precision Lights set) less 50%. Now all I have to do is figure out how to use all that comes with it. There's a readme but not much by way of instructions.
I am just about to leave for the (NZ) coast for the weekend so it will have to wait until Monday. So interested to see what it can do though.
I probably should have loaded something in the scene but you can see not only is the viewport cropped but the navigation controls and draw style display settings too
my other tabs are on my other monitor, docked on this one it is impossible to use
I admit never had them on my old set up
update, thanks barbuit that fixed it
I'll just add one more comment to those of my previous post. The scene in question originally had a full room architecture and several more props and it rendered fine as single image. That render was also before I reduced the texture sizes. My whole complaint here has been about trying to render an image series and it falling back to CPU on the second frame. For some reason there is a jump in VRAM consumption after the first frame. That does not makes any sense to me.
yes I have the same issue if it gets with in 1GB of my card limit
I use 4.11 general release to render animation for this reason
its crazy but apparently not a bug according to the experts
That happens in my system too, but it seems to be stable so it's not a leak that grows in time. I mean, once it jumps on the second frame, then the max vram is set there. Below an example on the pergola scene with G1F to G8F as characters, where I reduced the textures size to save vram. I compared iray with cycles by importing the scene in blender with the diffeomorphic plugin. Now that's interesting how the two engines handle the vram. We have cycles that's stable and it takes the same vram for every frame, then releases vram among frames. Then we have iray having a vram jump on the second frame, and it never releases vram among frames.
Personally I don't believe the iray behaviour is an issue though, it may very well be just a different method of handling vram. Being iray a "lazy" handler, while being cycles a "proactive" handler. This may also depend on the different technology used, being cycles tile-based while iray is not.
Below the pergola scene, then the iray vram, then the cycles vram.
This proves pretty much conclusively that increased OptiX Prime memory consumption is the underlying cause of your CPU fallback woes in 4.12. And the fact that total memory usage doesn't go all the way up to your 8GB limit in GPU-Z before it happens is actually immaterial. A program like GPU-Z only tracks successful memory allocations within a GPU's physical memory limit - not attempted memory allocations beyond that. Go back to the troublwshooting info you posted earlier and take special note of CPU-Z's reported max GPU memory used (5608MB), the total memory available on a 1070 GPU (8192MB), and the specific language in the error meesage preceding CPU fallback:
In other words, memory allocation for OptiX Prime acceleration failed due to (8192 - 5608) 2584MB of free space not being considered enough for the task.
if someone can come up with some utility to disable Optix prime a lot of people without RTX cards will be very happy
It's not possible I'm afraid, because it's iray itself doing that. The only way is to go back to a previous version of iray, thus to a previous version of daz studio. Nevertheless I'd consider optix prime as an added feature, though it requires some more vram you have an average 30% increase in render speed that's not bad at all for gtx cards.
Few years of Studio's "evolution", lots of updates, new features... But still no object physics, particles, fluids, or fur. Anyway, thanks for the clothes physics. Will D|S be able to work at least with fur properly?
Fluidos will give you fluids, fur is possible through the Strand Based hair tool - though it's non-dynamic, only PAs can create dForce hair (and fur).
Using the DForce is also possible to have falling objects (with the right tuning and some patience
In this thread ( ) Praxis developed a smart method to do it. It's really easy and the result pretty nice.
Fluidos: Maybe, but simulation takes A LOT of time for simulating, and it's very inaccurate when I'm trying to make thin strings. Plus it seems that emitter has a limited amount of particles, and can't be changed
Fur: okay. Look at attachments: first: Studio's fur with a texture applied as the diffuse map. Second - figure's texture. Third - how the fur look in Carrara.