Lady and Lion Poses
Okay, it says purchasers of both Olympia Pro bundle and DAZ Big Cat2 get these free.
I did purchase the Cat. I did put Olympia's bundle into my cart along with these poses.
There's no discount in the cart. So. does it only apply if we purchase the poses *after* having completed purchases of both other items, or are we supposed to take a leap of faith and expect it to apply at the final stage of checkout?
It showed up free in my cart but I had already purchased both of the qualifying items before sticking them in my cart.
According to the Product Description for Lady and the Lion Poses for Olympia and the DAZ Big Cat 2:
"For a limited time, owners and purchasers of both Olympia 6 Pro Bundle and DAZ Big Cat 2 will receive these poses for free! If you qualify, just add this product to your cart and the discount will be applied automatically at checkout. Offer expires Dec. 31st 2013."
I own both of those products, and it is not showing as free when checking out..
I guess the "Limited Time" hasn't started yet? :)
I haven't yet purchased either one. When I put The Olympia Pro bundle, the base Big Cat 2, and the Lady & the Lion poses in my cart it subtracts the cost of the poses as a discount.
Are you trying to use the Olympia Pro Bundle or some other Olympia bundle?
Hope this helps,
I have purchased both Cats&Olympia; Pro, but when I try to buy the Poses it doesn't get discounted.
I have the same problem, shopping card says I have to pay the full price. I canceled the PayPal transaction. I hope DAZ fix this.
Merged a couple of threads on this.
DAZ is looking into the issue and will add the pose set to the accounts of anyone who missed out.
Greatly appreciated, thank you one and all ... even Tiny Tim .. ;)
DAZ has fixed my problem, thank you all :cheese:
Yup, all good to go - thanks! :)
Same here. Ready for download. Thank you, Daz, and thank you, Morris.
Bless the beasts and the children. And bless the Mods and Admins, too. :)
Nope. Still charging me the full price. Will try kicking things out of the cart and putting them back in and see if that fixes it.
ETA: nope. Still charging me for it.
You said, up-thread, you put Olympia bundle and the poses in the cart together. I think you need to have actually purchased Olympia pro bundle and then create a new order with the poses. Apologies if this what you have already done and tried.
Yup. That was it. I tossed out the poses, bought the bundle and then put the poses back in the cart. No charge.
Will need to keep alert if they do another such promotion in the future.