You can use what ever image editor you like, there isn't one built into DAZ Studio as such - the "Image Editor" in the image option menu and the Layered Image Editor are both tools for specific internal functions, not image editors in the general sense.
You can use what ever image editor you like, there isn't one built into DAZ Studio as such - the "Image Editor" in the image option menu and the Layered Image Editor are both tools for specific internal functions, not image editors in the general sense.
I don't know how the Image Editor works at all, but I don't think it will save images out for you.
The Multi Layered Image Editor only saves as presets too I think. There is this video on YouTube in German, it may help (if you speak German :)
I really don't know what the Image Editor is for. I always use 'Browse', and then load any texture I want to change in Photoshop Elements.
Image Editor is just for setting the gamma value assigned to an image.
Thanks Richard, I saw the Gamma slider, but I didn't think it was that simple :)
Thank you, JimmyC_2009 and Richard Haseltine.
BTW, hope DS could let user be able to use prefered external image editor soon.
You can use what ever image editor you like, there isn't one built into DAZ Studio as such - the "Image Editor" in the image option menu and the Layered Image Editor are both tools for specific internal functions, not image editors in the general sense.
Thank you,Richard Haseltine.
Which is "the image option menu"?
What Richard means is you can use any 2D Art program to edit your renders. Not that you can get DAZ Studio to open one for you.