Novica, Serene Night, & Invited Guest Contributors Tips & Product Reviews Pt 3

First, we'd like to thank our supporters of the two previous threads as we've had EDIT: OVER 74,000 views as of Dec 30th, 2013. We really enjoy sharing our experiences and our regulars who jump in to share theirs too.
Thread 1 covers my experiences from my very first render, and is chocked full of learning experiences for newbies but also has product reviews and tutorials for everyone. Then before thread 2 ended, SereneNight graciously accepted the invitation to co-host as she's very good at articulating her experiences with the products and her renders are just wonderful. I strongly recommend you surf both of those threads (humorously called our "monster threads" due to 1500 posts each.)
Thread 3, we decided to ask some very talented, helpful folks to help us. You will periodically see posts by individuals labeled Invited Guest Contributors- they'll tell you their experiences with products they own and use, and also give you some great tips. Those individuals are Bullit35744, Estroyer, Ivy, Jaderail, Jindi, KaribousBoutique, Kharma, Kyoto Kid, Llolalane, Luci45, MelanieL, Sasje,
Scott-Livingston, Szark, Tarina Kivi, Tjohn, Totte.
Thread 1 is HERE
Popular sections from thread one: Here are the easy links so you can continue to use them with ease:
Useful Reference Links: Best Tips And How-To's!
The Prop Stop
Lighting Reviews (From World Center)
Thread 2 is HERE
Product Reviews are
NEW! January 5th, 2013: Depth Of Field Tutorial By KaribousBoutique
I will continue adding and working on this section. I still have ALL of thread two to add to the list. Wow. We cover a lot of products!
So as we end 2013, the first posts will be my top 10 picks that I have purchased or rendered, and SereneNight's top 10 picks. Other members of the team have included theirs too- take a peek! Let's rock and roll in 2014!
Novica's #1 For 2013
Without a doubt my top pick is:
Nova For Victoria 6
Vendor: Artemis3D
I will emphatically state it has nothing to do with the name coincidence (of my horse and my forum name) and I almost didn't list it because of the perceived bias- but that wouldn't be fair to the vendor. SereneNight can attest that I was delighted when I bought this- she bought it and joined the Nova For V6 fan club. This really needs to make it into your wishlist. My top kudos goes to this product.
Here's what makes this product a MUST HAVE IMO:
1. the skin materials- lights beautifully under all types of lighting
2. THE DIMPLES- need I say more? Except finding a character with dimples is not that common. Vendors, take note :)
The basis of my Seymour character (move over Cameron Diaz).
See the render here for Nova for Victoria 6:
Novica top ten: #2
Ariadne For V6
Ariadne has that same easy to light skin that Nova has, plus her dark makeup option makes her a great villan or an intense heroine. She can also be quite sultry. Here's the image used in the RRRR SeaNautica entry, it's in the newspaper (minus the print of course.) Ron's Angel Dust brushes.
Novica top ten: #3
Easy Shadows
These "gel presets" create beautiful shadows- my favorite is the tree branches. They are easy to use- think of a plane that you can move back and forth in front of your camera, and the light sees through it and casts a shadow. It's fun and easy! The scene with the casket has the shadows.
Novica top ten: #4
Taylor Hair
Looking for a short hair style? Taylor Hair is easy to pose and lots of nice layers. Shown on Ariadne in all renders. Another good short one is Pyrit Hair.
See the renders here for Ariadne, Easy Shadows, and Taylor Hair:
Novica top ten: #5
The Priory
There was a flurry of folks buying this who agreed when I originally posted it- this has so many hidden gems that aren't shown in the main promotion. What gave me a clue was the word "Bay" in fancy print. I thought, "Water?" Then OMGoodness, it has a light house, a harbor/bay scene with rocks, a grilled gate on the water (I haven't rendered this yet, I would guess it leads to a tunnel) a beautiful double set of stairs leading to the docks and a grassy hillside....the list goes on. GO LOOK AT THE THUMBNAILS. Wishlist this for sure!
Novica top ten: #6
SPEX For Genesis
Slosh made his entry in a big way- as a new vendor, his sunglasses offered SO much variety that it was fun playing around. As the promo states, it also covers many generations (3,4,5, toon, etc) so you really get your money's worth. Change the frame shapes, the arms, the colors- have fun and your character can get ready for the sun!
Novica top ten: #7
Miss Fisher's Wardrobe Fabulous Dress
A real WOW factor. If you've ever dealt with leg poke through, stiff cardboard dresses that don't bend- the fluidity of these dresses with stun you. They are so realistic you'll think you can reach out and touch the material to smooth the folds. They drape beautifully!
Novica top ten: #8
Ron's Angel Dust
This is the first one I had purchased, and the only one I have tried before- and it's playtime! With a name like Angel Dust, you might think of hearts and flowers and stars, but there's lines and dashes and a great variety. In Photoshop, you can space out the stroke and
space things out to get the perfect effect!
Novica top ten: #9
Gardens of Poseidon- Corals
The vibrant colors and the earthy tones give you a great combination, as well as the variety of shapes. The invertebrates product is very complementary to the corals. So grab your mermaids and put them in an exquisite underwater setting!
Novica top ten: #10
The Fabricator / Totally Bazaar Bundle
The most fun you can possibly have with textures! I am putting both of these products as a shared spot, because they are a team. Create fun patterns and apply them to clothes, pillows, bed covers, curtains, etc
Okay, here are my top ten. I actually do not have a number 1 product. It was too difficult to choose just one of the many great things sold here. =-) To make the list, I had to find the content useful, and something I have used repeatedly. These top 10 products, I’ve used repeatedly over the last year. These items make my top 10.
SereneNight’s top 10
Ryuu for M5
Ryuu is a wonderful character, truly professional quality. He renders consistently well and is has many options. He is a unique creation, worth owning, and rendering. This is my only specific figure on my top 10.
Handy Dandy
I find myself using Handy Dandy often to convert old poses to Gen 2. This tool is essential if you want to use older poses with newer characters. Utilities may not be glamorous, but this one is certainly necessary, especially if you love using older poses.
Growing up for Genesis 2 females and V6
I find the chest fixes for gen 2 females a useful product. I use this again and again to adjust the figure. A great overall package.
Michael 6
I may not care for M6’s head/face shape, but there is no question that M6 has made things a lot easier for those of us who like to render men in addition to females, and brought new life into the store with his accessories, clothing and hair. M6 has a nice body shape, and he poses well. This is an essential and (much needed) product.
Rogue SciFi Suit V6
This is a quality outfit, works on both genders, includes poses and firearm. I think this is the only clothing item that made the cut this year. Stonemason’s attention to detail and realism is evident In this science-fiction bodysuit which crosses gender lines, and looks believable and fun. I love it.
Da Glowing Eyes-
I like this product and have used it quite a bit, even though it is still quite new. It renders well, is easy to apply and works to liven up your sci-fi characters and critters alike.
Ron’s War Element - Great for post work, not just for battle scenes. Works well in conjunction with other layer styles. Has a lot of different brushes and PSD files.-currently unavailable
Ron’s Sci-Fi optical Flares
- Great piece of work. Very useful. Nice level of realism.
Science Fiction Pistols
This is an oldie, but I use it quite often. The pistols look good and are fun to mess with. Sometimes old stuff is also good stuff!
The Garbage Pile
This one was a freebie. But the props are very useful, it comes with some nice lights too. I’ve used the ‘junk‘ prop items again and again. . Items that are cheap and render well are always welcome in my top 10!
I am organizing the product reviews for you- these are links to the first 20 pages of products. I am now integrating some of the best ones from threads 1 and 2. (Marked with *) Update February 3rd 2014: Now done through page 86 on Thread 1.
These are listed alphabetically by product name.
3D Universe's Toon Baby (3D Universe)*
3D Universe's Toon Baby (Bear) (3D Universe)
3D Universe Toon Chicken (3D Universe)*
3D Universe Toon Chicken (Review #2) (3D Universe)*
3D Universe Toon Chicken (Review #3) (3D Universe)*
3D Universe-Toon Dragon (3D Universe)*
3D Universe Toon Giraffe (3D Universe)*
3D Universe Toon Snake (3D Universe)*
A Kid's World Poses for Genesis Child (DAZ 3D / Jgreenlees)
Adventure Lord For Genesis (Valandar)*
Air-Worlds (Magix 101)
Alanna Hair (DAZ3D / Neftis3D)*
Aldora Hair (DAZ3D / Propschick )* READ!!!
Alien Cave (Flipmode)*
Alruna (DAZ 3D / Bobbie25 /Umblefugly)*
Amun Raw-The Mummy (RawArt )*
Amun Raw-The Mummy (Review #2) (RawArt )*
Ariadne For V6 (Raiya)*
Ariadne For V6 (Second Review) (Raiya)*
Atmospheric Effects Cameras For DAZ Studio (Age of Armour)
Axel International M5 (ForbiddenWhispers / JSGraphics /Male-M3dia)
Baby For Genesis (AdamThwaites)
Backdrops Made Easy (blondie9999)
Bad Guy for Genesis (Smay)*
Barn Yard (DAZ 3D / ARTCollaborations)*
Caleb for M4 and Genesis M5 (Phoenix1966)
CandeeCurlz HairStyle (Neftis3D)
Capses M6 Pack 1 (Capsces Digital Ink)
Casual Jeans and T-Shirt for Genesis and Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ3D / Ravenhair)
Casual Sexy Poses for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ 3D/ Elliandra)
Charlize for Genesis 2 Female Accessories (3D Universe)*
Clothing Textures For Charlize (SilvaAnt3d)*
Cold Blooded (DAZ3D / IgnisSerpentus )*
Cool Sports For Genesis (DAZ 3D / Cute3D)*
Creature Creator for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ3D)
Cuffed Tail 2 (DAZ 3D AprilYSH)
Curator Aquarum (DAZ 3D / Jack Tomalin )
Cyclorama: Portrait Paper Backdrops (DAZ 3D)
Dark Matter for V4/A4 (Elliandra / IgnisSerpentus)
Dea Araneam Hair ( IgnisSerpentus)
Deacon For Michael 5 (vyktohria)
Dead Corn (Gareee)*
Deep Space For Daz Studio (Oskarsson)*
Defiant For Genesis (and expansions) (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
Defiant For Genesis (Review #2) (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)*
Desert Outpost (Stonemason)
Desert Outpost (Review #2) (Stonemason)
DMs Mixed Fantasy (DAZ 3D / Danie /marforno)
Dream Home: The Study (DAZ3D)
Dynamic American Flag (DAZ 3D / xenic101)
Dynamic Tablecloth (OptiTex)
HELPFUL: Dynamic Clothing Tips/Tutorial (Szark)
Effortless Cool For Genesis Male (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
End of Summer Hair For Genesis And Genesis 2 Females (DAZ3D / Goldtassel)
Evening Gown For Genesis 2 Females (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
Evening Gown For Genesis 2 Females (Review #2) (DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
Fair Corsair Outfit For Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ3D Bobbie25 / Sarsa)*
Fantasy Basic Wear For Genesis (DAZ 3D)
Fantasy Scenes And Lights (Predatron /Diane)
Fern Lea Cottage (Magix 101)
Filippa Hair (DAZ3D / SWAM)*
Frosty Boots for Genesis 2 Female(s) (Karth / Shox-Design)
Frosty Boots for Genesis 2 Female(s) (Review #2) (Karth / Shox-Design)
FW Diana (skin) (DAZ3D / FWArt)
FWEJ Sayuri (EmmaAndJordi / FWArt)
Furify Fur Shaders ( 3DLust / Marieah)
Furify:Fur Shaders (Review #2) (3DLust / Marieah)
Future WIlderness (Luthbel)
Geek For Genesis 2 Female(s) (Outoftouch)
Genesis 2 Male Morphs Bundle (DAZ3D )
Gentleman's Wardrobe (Aave Nainen)
Glyn Hair (DAZ 3D AprilYSH)
Growing Up For Genesis (Zev0)
Growing Up For Genesis (Review #2) (Zev0)
Growing Up for Genesis2 Female(s) and V6 (Zev0)
Halloween Pumpkin (FWDesign / ForbiddenWhispers)*
HDR Pro Sets Urban Recreation (Dimension Theory)
Hexxus- The Sword of Chaos (IgnisSerpentus)
His EarStuff (Karth)
I Will Protect You (Muscleman)
Ibrahim for M4 and Genesis M5 (Phoenix 1966)
Infiltrator (Elele)*
Jack Of Hearts For Genesis (Luthbel)
Jai Hair (DAZ3D / AprilYSH)
Jasmin for Genesis (Clothing and Accessories) (3D Universe)*
Jepe’s Nathan for Michael 6 (Jepe)
Jepes Nathan For Michael 6 (Review #2) (Jepe)
Killzones: The Pipes (The AntFarm)*
Leatherize (Marieah)
Luxurystar (Kibarreto)*
Luxus (Spheric Labs)
M4 for Genesis 2 Male (Slosh)
Malvada For V4 ( DAZ 3D / Ravenhair)
Mantiraptor (And Expansion) (Orestes Graphics)
Maple Tree Pack 1 (DAZ 3D / Bluebird 3d)
Marja Hair (3Dream / Mairy)
Marja Hair (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (3Dream / Mairy)
Medieval Docks (Faveral)
Medieval Docks (Review #2) (Faveral)
Merlin's Oak, Plants and Props Set (Merlin Studios)
Micah Hair (DAZ 3D / AprilYSH )
Milen Hair (AprilYSH)
Mitsu Hair For Genesis (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (DAZ 3D / Xenic101)
Modern Ninja Poses for Genesis 2 Male(s) and Michael 6 (Smay / Velemudr)
Monster Classics- The Hunchback (Rawart)
Morphing Python (DAZ3D)*
Nature- Plants Pack 1 (Andrey Pestryakov)
Nature- Plants Pack 1 (Review #2) (Andrey Pestryakov)
Nidale (DAZ 3D / Countess / Silver)
Noggin’s Dragonfly (DAZ3D / Noggin)*
Noggin’s Dragonfly Review #2 (DAZ3D / Noggin)*
Noggin’s Dragonfly Review #3(DAZ3D / Noggin)*
/Noodle The Toon Cat (3D Universe)*
Olympia (DAZ3D)
OOT Styles for Rogue Sci-Fi Outfit (Out Of Touch)
Order Of The Wolf (DAZ3D / Valandar)
Order of the Wolf (Review #2) (DAZ3D Valandar)
Persephone Hair for Genesis 2 Female(s) (DAZ3D)
Plantz (DAZ 3D / Ravnheart)
Pure Hair Crazy (DAZ 3D/Bobbie25/Sarsa/Discobob/Lobo75/Lourdes/Morris)*
Pyrit Hair (DAZ3D / Swam)
Queen Of Ages (Zigraphix / OptiTex)
Regina Malorum Hair (IgnisSerpentus)
Riley For Stephanie 5 (DAZ 3D / vyktohria)*
Rocks N Drops Fantasy Scene Kit (Diane / Predatron)
Rocks N Drops Fantasy Scene Kit (Review #2)(Diane / Predatron)
Rogue Sci-fi Suit for V6 (StreetWear)
Rogue Sci-Fi Suit For V6 (Review #2) (StreetWear)
Ron’s Angel Dust (Deviney)
Ron’s Edge Grunge (Deviney)
Rons Sci-Fi Optical Flares (Deviney)
Sci-Fi Corridor 2013 (Stonemason)
Science Fiction Pistols (DAZ 3D / Valandar)*
Set The Mood (Oskarsson)*
Shaw For M4 (Phoenix1966)
Silas M4 (GypsyAngel)
Simple Veins HD (Sickleyield) Temporary Freebie
Sisters For Zev0s Growing Up Pack (ForbiddenWhispers / JSGraphics)
Skin Overlay Bundle (Zev0 / Draagonstorm)
Smoke And Flames Tool (Nerd3D)
Steam Cowboy (DAZ 3D / Arien / Bobbie25)
Steel Framed Specs (Dogz)
Stone Accents- Fences (DAZ 3D blondie9999)
Subsurface Toolbox (Dimension Theory)
Summer Trees By Merlin (Merlin Studios)
Super Hero Equipment For Genesis 2 Male (Smay / Velemudr)
Swimwear V6 (MindVision G.D.S.)
Sylvanna for Genesis (Orion1167)
Tangien Courtyard (DAZ 3D / ForbiddenWhispers / FWDesign)* FUN WATER TUTORIAL!
Tangien Portico (DAZ3D / FWDesign / ForbiddenWhispers)*
Tatiana Hair (3Dream / Mairy)
Tatiana Hair (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (Review #2) (3Dream / Mairy)
Taylor Hair (Swam)*
Tech Staves (DAZ 3D / Valandar)
Terrors Of The Deep: Jellyfish (IgnusSerpentus)*
Thalia Hair (DAZ3D)
Thalia Hair (Review #2) (DAZ3D)
The Briefing Room (V3Digitimes)
The Executioner for Genesis (Age Of Armour)
The Girl 6 (DAZ3D)*
The Fabricator (Marieah)* (Many posts)
The Fabricator (Review #2) (Marieah)
The Gatehouse (Predatron)
Throne Of The Wolfking (DAZ3d)
Totally Baazar (Marieah / Teresa Tyllo)*
Toulouse Hair (Not Listed)
Toulouse Hair (Not Listed)
Udane Hair (DAZ 3D / AprilYSH)*
Under The Sea ( Digiport /mnartist / Syndaryl)*
Waiting In Line Too (FeralFey)
Warrior Outfit (DAZ 3D / Sarsa / Val3dart)
Woodland Realm Playset One (DAZ3D )
Xenia Hair (Showing "Float" for underwater scenes) (3Dream / Mairy)
Tangien Courtyard Water: (Novica)
Dasani: Ice Garden: (Novica)
Free Ivy Generator (Totte)
Render The Vendor- Vendor Spotlights- And One Post With All Of That Vendor's Showcased Products
SwimWear V6- A Good Deal Right Now
Okay, let's start this off with a bang. This is 50% off, ONLY $4.98 and looks like just a swimsuit. WRONG! it has a bonus POOL with it! I almost missed it because the promos only show the swimsuit. Flash sale, scoop it up!
Thanks again for pointing out a great deal, Novica!! You are making me go broke...LoL :D
TIP: Use ALT to drag your item into your scene!
I sure wish I would remember everything that I read at one point or another. In case you don't know, you can put your item directly into the scene where you want it, without having to click on it in the viewport and drag it all over the place (or slider it.) I also copy Parameter coordinates of nearby items then just use those to place items that load from World Center. (0/0/0) Helpful with big scenes. But instead, you can do this!
Just click on your item (I use Content Library) and then ALT. Hold down your mouse and drag your item right into the scene where you want it- or fairly close. Saves a lot of time! You'll see a red ball. SEE IMAGE.
TIP: Don't scroll around the viewport to find your item, use the Frame (LMB)/ AIM (RMB) tool.
If you click on your item in the Scene tab, then go to the viewport and click on that + surrounded by brackets (located under the zoom magnifying glass) you will zip right to wherever your item is in the sceen. No more scrolling!
That's my job. Misery loves company :)
One of the other ones has a chair prop. But I'd never use the outfit. The swimsuit one has a decent back to it- covers the booty. Here's the chair one:
Thanks for starting a new thread. That swimsuit and pool look great. I picked it up. =)
Grabbed it. Thanks for pointing out the pool!
Grabbed it. Thanks for pointing out the pool!
Good to know! How do you do it with scene and scene subsets? Do you mean you hold ALT then File then scene or the subset to load, or do you mean after you load the scene or the subset and drag it over from the scene list?
You can ALT Drag load saved Scene files just like all other props. Works best for SMALL things like a figure and a Prop set but does work, I prefer Scene Subsets (I use for Full characters) so I can place them NEAR to where I wont them at load. I used that method for all my RRRR story renders. Alt Drag load of most items you see.
Makes sense.
I finished my Top Ten list, go back to Post #2. It's hard picking just ten- now let's seem what some of you liked. You don't HAVE to do ten- but do post a link to the products, and put your top pick as number one (if you can!) The rest don't have to be in order. It needs to be something you have BOUGHT or RENDERED this year, 2013, that is some of your favorites.
K. Reserved for later use... It is NOW Later...
Jaredails Top Ten list for 2013
Top item for 2013
Michael 6 for Genesis 2 Male
I'm a big genesis fan, but when the Genesis 2 Female went live and I started playing with it, the posing and extra detail the Female only shape had just won me over. At that time I knew the Genesis 2 Male would be my go to figure as soon as DAZ 3D released it. The M6 just blew me away. Sure its not perfect and we still need many more morph sets for all the G2 figures, but as a base to start from I find M6 to be perfect for all my male characters. The fact I custom dial all my figures, both face and body, for my extended projects G2M and M6 filled a hole in my runtime.
Jades #2 item:
Victoria 6 for Genesis 2 Female
Well, I can't let the big hunky guy get all the credit. The Genesis 2 Female and the V6 sold me on the idea of separate figures again. I was not sure it was needed at all, after all Genesis could be almost anything including V5 and M5 and do it very well. But after seeing the G2F in action, or a action pose, I was sold. As a comic book geared artist I find the better bending and posing a plus. I now use G2F and or V6 for all my female characters. (Yes people you will see some of them as the projects get underway again.)
Jades #3 item:
StreetWear : Jeans For Genesis
These are the most realistic blue jeans I have ever seen in 3D. They just work on every level. And the best part is they work on every figure as well. They go through auto fit just perfect for all figures and character shapes. Need everyday wear for a city scene? There you go. Really this set just sales itself, add any shirt and any shoes, if you got some (wink), and modern daily life is ready to render.
Jades #4 item:
Modular Ruins
And now the Flip side of the coin, getting those fantasy scenes to look just right. Sure we have ready made ruins to just load and render, but then what makes our scene different from the next user? Camera angles and Backgrounds can only do so much. With this set we can add those little touches we always wish the other sets had to start with. Extra broken columns over here, a bit of broken rubble there, some cracked cobble stones and maybe a bit of Ivy growing on this stuff. There, now we have a set to be proud of.
Jades #5 item:
Pred Pack - Grass One
And now for extra touches in almost any scene. Be warned this set is semi heavy on your system and that's because it is real grass. Each blade is there, no transmaps needed here, all real mesh. It has many base shapes and every season of the year, every texture needed from new growth to dry and dead. Stop placing your figures on a green bumpy ground and calling it grass, we can have the real thing and only use as much as we need. I find this set invaluable for realism in many renders.
Jades #6 item:
Hacienda Hermosa
What good are great looking characters and great looking environments if they have nothing to pull it all together? This is a full setting, load it as is and your ready to go. And the props it comes with? Well those are just begging to be added to other scenes as extra touches. When I need a extra something and just can not find one I open this set and browse. The included content alone is worth the price IMHO.
Jades #7 item:
Gabriella for Gia
What can I say about Gabriella? Only that I fell in love with her at first load. This figure just said ACTION and ADVENTURE to me from the first time I looked at her. Sultry, exotic, strength, all rolled into one package, that all said STAR to me. So expect to see Gabriella featured in my up coming projects. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent in up coming projects.)
Jades #8 item:
Stalker Girl Hair
When it comes to hairs I just like the way this was done. The options it offers may seem limited at first look but that just means you have not looked hard enough. The four different load options, makes this a very versatile hair. Male hair, Female hair both in one product. Blending of the Under layer color with the Over color and then even a different color on the Fring? All without once hunting a material zone. That I like.
Jades #9 item:
Skin Overlay for V5 and M5 Skin Sets
Once we get tired of all those super model characters, and I know I do, we need some normal people. With a few clicks of the mouse and this product we can go from the runway model to a 100% custom everyday person on the street just that fast. From freckled to middle aged to very old. Only have One figure and Texture, not anymore. Have a good collection? Well, with a good collection you have more than you ever dreamed you had before.
Jades #10 Item:
Growing Up for Genesis Bundle
Last but FAR from least, were would our worlds of Wonder be without kids? And not just kids but kids that actually have a family resemblance. Now we have them, 5 years old and right on up into those terrible teen years all doable.
Yes, I'm character driven people and my Top ten list shows that. When you need a range of characters and need more than is offered by what the Published Artist have created, think of this list. And also believe me when I say it was hard to pick just the ones I have listed. I could go on for days about characters and different sets. I have not listed one Sci-Fi item but I could speak long on that subject as well. But will not at this time. I hope you find at least one of these items as useful as I do. Be Well.
Grabbed it. Thanks for pointing out the pool!
Here it is. I got the new PC club hair, too.
Today’s Review is:
I Will Protect You
By Muscleman
Backdrop used: Portrait Paper Backdrops, cropped and used as a backdrop
Backdrop used final image: Dm's Mixed Fantasy
This is actually the first pose set I ever purchased, and I still am quite fond of it. I really like rescue/danger/people in jeopardy renders and “I will Protect you” has a great collection of 20 v4 and M4 poses, all placing v4/m4 characters in situations of danger, or disaster.
I found the poses work quite well with Gen2 characters with some adjustments. Mainly the hands and fingers of course, but sometimes I had to move an arm or hand to suit these characters. In some situations tilting or twisting the head might work better (I wanted for example to have M6 to tilt his head to look at Olympia 6, but I tried to preserve as much as the base pose as possible). In any case, these poses will make a great starting place for those who enjoy rendering couples, like v4 and m4, or don’t mind a bit of tweaking to make them work for Genesis or Genesis 2.
One thing to note, is there are no expressions, so you have to dial or use your own. Also note, Handy Dandy came in handy as usual to correct the hands for gen1/gen2 characters but there are some extreme hand positions in the set, which may require further adjustment for gen2 characters.
In any case, I really like this set. I’ve used the poses quite a few times, and it is a wonderful set for adding some action and drama to your renders. =-)
Images 1-3 P different images using these pose sets.
@ Barbult Looks great! I got the hair too as you can tell. =-)
I have not seen Swimwear for V6/Genesis 2. Thanks for posting the info.
Yes, I see!
And look, he can wear the monokini, too.
LOL- you might think he does, but from the look on his face, I don't think he's too tickled to be "photographed" in that. It's like he's thinking, "You publish that picture and you DIE."
How on earth did you get these rendered so fast folks?! Anyway, thanks for doing so.
Note: Snowball Sale: don't buy that item which is currently showing 8%, that has got to be an error.
The ones I have had my eye on which are now on sale at 40%, plus your Snowball Savings stack as these are not new. The first two are just good old fashioned fun, and I just really like them for some goofy reason. I have all those fairytale castles so this would fit right in.
And you can use the pieces separately- just the hair, etc for these:
and I don't know how I previously overlooked this one: THEY GLOW IN THE DARK. Be sure and look at the thumbnails! I think the promo image was so busy, I wasn't sure exactly what it was. Reading the title would have helped, lol. EDIT: AND YOU GET POSES THAT YOU CAN USE ELSEWHERE.
Jindi's Top 10 of 2013
I only discovered the wonderful world of 3D at the beginning of 2013 so everything was new to me this year. I was pleased with most of what I bought but there are some products that I don't think I'll ever tire of using.
Jindi's #1 for 2013
Medieval Docks by Faveral
I haven't had a chance to use it much yet but this is an amazingly versatile set with many different buildings and viewpoints. Perfect for historical (and fantasy) scenes. it renders more quickly than you'd expect -- tip: hide what can't be seen for even quicker renders. See it as the backdrop below.
Jindi's top ten: #2 = My Top Character
Monster Classics: The Hunchback by RawArt
If you've seen any of my renders in the gallery or my review here, you know I like this guy. He was my surprise purchase of the PA Sale. I'm not into horror at all, but RawArt makes his characters so much more than freaks or villains. I was sold on him as soon as I saw the promo art. I love how expressive he is, the asymmetry of him, and the way he's so different but still human. He's my antidote to all the wide-eyed, youthful beauties in the store.
The rest are in no particular order
#3 The Fabricator by Marieah, plus related packs with Teresa Tyllo (and Gemologica with Fisty)
I've bundled these all together. I have most of Marieah's shaders (the fabic ones, Pimp My Prop, and Gemologica) and love playing with them. I did Esmeralda's dress below using them. I use Gemologica for metals quite a bit but it has so much more than that.
#4 Ibrahim by Phoenix1966
#5 Caleb by Phoenix1966
Phoenix is an incredible artist, beautiful realism in her(?) characters, but her Genesis ones are rare. I also love Livia, but use the men slightly more often. Ibrahim is tricky to light but his ethnicity makes him very versatile and he isn't the typical youthful pretty boy. Caleb is a great everyday guy. Both morph nicely. Livia's beautiful but also stands out from the crowd and has a very slender figure.
EDIT: a straight-out-the-box render of them below shows all 3 characters together -- not the best render but gives you an idea of what they look like with their basic Genesis morphs in DAZ Studio (disclaimer: it's an old render, so can't be 100% there are no other morphs in there).
#6 The Church (and Props) by Merlin
I haven't used it much yet but it's a set I love to own. Merlin is one of my favourites for real-world/history buildings and scenes. I have several others but had to pick just one here. Beautiful detail, lots of possibilities.
#7 The Gatehouse by Predatron
As with the Church and Merlin, I've picked one product by Predatron but he's a vendor who I'm always keen to buy from. I love all the detail and props in Predatron's sets (same goes for Merlin).
#8 Everyday Morphing Primitives by Maclean
I have a few things from Maclean and want to get more -- his packs are always versatile and great value. I've picked this one because I think it might be often overlooked and it's a clever idea. Even if you can make things in Hexagon, the morphing primitives are a fantastic shortcut and are already right there in your library. As they say, the only limit's your imagination!
#9 ExtraOrdinary Men for D5 by JoeQuick
I bought these before I even had D5. Perfect for giving male characters more, well, character.
#10 Predatron Essential Lights and Skies
Another Predatron product, these are currently my go-to lights.
Images show:
1. Medieval Docks, plus most other products mentioned
2. The Gatehouse, the Hunchback
3. Ibrahim, Livia, Caleb
Yes, I see!
And look, he can wear the monokini, too.
Eeeeewwww! You know how once you see something you wish you hadn't and then can't un-see it......I may need counselling.
Eeeeewwww! You know how once you see something you wish you hadn't and then can't un-see it......I may need counselling.
LOL. I think he looks rather... um...put it this way, the guy will turn heads! ;)
LOL, I have a Masters in Counseling. What can I do for you? :)
Coming up in a few minutes- I did the Hexxus Sword that is on sale, going to have to go to my other computer to use Ron's Angel Dust. So check back in about an hour as it's still rendering. Let me say though- the Malvada outfit is so easy to pose- just two tweaks and the collar was perfectly fit to the shoulder, which was raised with the sword. If you use V4 and action poses, this is an outfit to get! Will do the full review when I get done. Also note- the sword, Malvada outfit (V4), Nature Plants Pack 1, and Marja Hair renders very nicely- quick at .30 shading rate!
While you're waiting, do check out the Nature Plants Pack 1. That's a MUST HAVE- renders SO fast and fills the scene with about eight clicks! Ground plane included, has a path.
Good morning Jindi! Here for your morning fix? :)
Totally agree with your list. Would you edit your post and also re-post on this thread your wonderful Hunchback? That second thread is going to disappear into oblivion and folks won't even know your render is on that one. Also, if you have any renders of those characters on your list, feel free to post. Would love to see them. Now I gotta go do my Angel Dust.
Dark Matter for V4/A4
Malvada For V4
Nature- Plants Pack 1
Marja Hair
Hexxus- The Sword of Chaos
Rocks N Drops Fantasy Scene Kit
Ron's Angel Dust
The other thread had the Dark Matter review, but I wanted to use her again. The body glow is wonderful! As mentioned in the previous post, Malvada goes on easily, it has a long skirt and high heels which were impractical for this scene. So she is just wearing the top. Notice that could be all you need as long as your camera view is strategically placed and you just want upper shots.
Can't say enough about the Nature-Plants Pack 1 for quick scene fills and FAST RENDER TIME. Get this on your wishlist! Same with Marja Hair, so easy to move off the chest, behind the shoulders, and renders quickly.
That Sword of Chaos is shown "as is." So much opportunity there- you can take the color of your background and make little dips and flowing lines, if you don't want a square outline. Looks a bit boxy to me. But to do that, remember your sword has to be against a solid background or one you can easily match.
Ron's Angel Dust: Tips: Don't do all the effects at the same opacity. Those larger swirls are brush 2116, opacity 11%, spacing 74%. Didn't jot down the size but I think it was around 250. The small sprinkles by the handle tie in the sprinkles in the sword. I lightly ran some outside the sword, missing areas so it wouldn't be a streak. Subtle is the key. That is brush 811, opacity 9%, 106 pixels, spacing 110%.
Remember to use your diffuse channel and darken backdrops, you don't have to accept the colors that are the default. This was made into a darker blue. This is another one from Rocks N Drops, from thread 2.
EDIT: That pose comes with the Hexxus Sword. It has them for M4 and V4, and work like a charm. No adjustment was made. You can choose which hand, etc.
EDIT: Added a postworked one to show you the difference it makes when highlighting that back arm. After adding the brighter sliver down the arm (and be sure and skip sections, watch where the material dips in and don't highlight that) I went in with nine shades of gray to retexture the textures.
Yes, I see!
And look, he can wear the monokini, too.
I like it! =-)
Nice list, and lovely renders Jindi! =-)
Big respect for you Novica, for all the time and effort you're putting into these threads and reviews!
I was playing with the idea of making a *best off* thread for 2013, but you beat me to it :)
My list also includes items from other years, it's just what I consider the best buys for my runtime this year.
A large part from past year I was inactive because of my mother's passing and my dad's stroke.
Although I am still struggling from time to time, I did find the joy of making pretty things again as things began to settle in my head again.
The crazy sales from october, followed by the platclub anniversary, was a welcome distraction and my runtime got a big update.
10 Forest bundle by Andrey Pestryakov
Forest bundle
Since my new rig I can use larger scenes, so this was a must have have for me.
The sets are very versatile, look great and takes just a click to plop it into the scene.
I got it at an almost disgraceful low price with lots of discounts stacking.
9 Axel International M5 by ForbiddenWhispers, JSGraphics & Male-M3dia
Axel for M5
This colab brought forth a very handsome and versatile character with different morphs and textures with a beautiful eye option called "heterochromia", or different colored irises.
The skin has a characteristic bronze tone that's slightly different from most other skins I own.
8 Shantara City by Magix 101
Shantara City
When I saw this on the front page, I clicked the "buy" button immediately.
A huge city with a Metropolis kind of feel to it that comes with props, camara's and lighting as well.
Includes the ground plain and the city is devided up in sections so you can use whatever part you need without loading the whole thing.
7 The Briefing Room by V3Digitimes
Briefing room
Perhaps a strange choice for a top ten, but I found myself using this quite often.
A conference room, classroom, office or a store even.
I found this room with its props very multi-functional.
6 Urban series by Stonemason
Urban bundle
Stonemason has some very awesome sets and the past sales made it possible for me to purchase them.
He has several series, such as the Streets of Asia, the Urban Future and the Urban streets.
The details are great, some windows even have little individually differently shaped windowglass!
Apart from getting great renders from it, I also like to just roam around these streets and getting swept away by great adventures that come to mind...
I need to starts cooking now ><<br /> I'll finish my list later tonight!