Use a pose preset instead of "Adjust Rigging to Shape"
Posts: 13
I have a new shape that is a derivative of a pose. The joint figure itself is in a T pose. I know to use "Adjust Rigging to Shape", it mostly works; however, I get a resulting rig that is a "little" different the the original figure pose from which the shape came from.
So, is there anyway of using the original figure pose instead of the "Adjust Rigging to Shape"?
1 make donner figure which freeze the current poze genesis rig, as new figure zero poze rig.
the figure is only donner about riggiing it only need to get same rig as pozing genesis.
but the rigs are his default zero positon.
now I load genesis, then pozing, I just bend left Thigh only.
apply geometry shell and export current pozing shape as obj,
import it again as donner.obj.
then use TU,
setting option is very important.
of course I need to keep genesis pozing. do not touch it.
Source genesis, current
Target donner.obj default
then check on Reverse source from target. and check off morphs.
because we need not any morph for rig donner .
and check on Fit to.
As mentioned above,
the Donner (Target) only need to keep the current genesis rig position as defualt.
after use TU with these setting, you may get strange Donner figure. (picture1)
(check, now I select left thigh bone, all rotation value is zero.
that means,, the curernt rig is default zero poze for the donner)
his rigs are set as current genesis positon as his zero poze.
but he change shape more. it is because we set, Reverse source shape from target.
and the rigs do not fit current shape with fit to option.
but do not worry about the shape at all. we just need the current rig position.
without using this option, we can not freeze the pozed rig as zero poze.I think.
or I have not found other way.
2 use transfer rigging from the donner figure (rig positon and shape not much)
keep "fit to" genesis.
to your new figure which you made by adjust rigging to shape .
it only transfer donner figure current rig postion.
after that you may get new rig, which is almostsame as genesis pozing rig,
but it is new default rig for the current shape. (picture 2)
rig fit the pozing shape, and it is default poze too.
after cheking more, I forgot some step need to be mentioned sorry^^; then edit and add some.
you must need check on "fit to" genesis, when making rig-donner and keep the genesis poze.
so that the donner can transfer current rigs as default.
Afrer that,, I found there is more easy way^^;
It solve my old question about TU with pozing figure too,,thank you.
I used shell and make figure, but you need not.
after you make new shape from genesis with pozing, and make new figure,
load another genesis, then change name as "donner" and fit to pozing genesis.
after that use Transfer rigging ,
select your donner (which fit to genesis), and your target figure.
it must transfer current donner rig position as default to your figure.
if you hope to save the figure, you need to memorize figure rigging. it freeze current rig position as default.
(it is same when you use adjust rigging to Shape)
then,, if you change rig position, and if your figure weight have not fit to current rig position well
you may need to adjust weight for current rig.
but just transfer rig current pozing, you simply use this way.
Thanks. Not sure I completely understand, but will try.