Render background?

I have the scene effects background color set to white. The preview and render are dark grey. I have not had that problem before. What did I set wrong somewhere?
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I have the scene effects background color set to white. The preview and render are dark grey. I have not had that problem before. What did I set wrong somewhere?
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Did you accidentally set the Backdrop to a color as well? The Backdrop will override the Background color.
Backdrop color: None.
in your render settings have you got Render Alpha channel ticked?
as that will do what you are explaining... untick it.
Yes, it is un-ticked.
mm. I dunno
maybe post some screen grabs of your setup will shed some light on it
is the sky on?
is ambient light on? usually it's 20 percents
what time of day is it in sky settings?
is there a sun light in the scene?
did you change altitude?
are you using a sky dome? is it blocking the light source? it can happen, i've done it.
could try setting translucency on the sky dome.
is the light through transparency ticked in render settings?
sky is not on, ambient 20%, sun light yes but deleting it makes no difference, unchanged altitude, no sky dome
The background turns out grey instead of dark blue . . . I will try to post an image. You can see the background is dark blue (8,8.90).
I don't have this problem except for this one file and it is a complicated file that I don't want to start over with. I hope you can help!!
Still hoping somebody can see my problem here. It is a one-of, but I really need to fix it because the file is pretty complicated and I don't want to start over!
HI :)
I think the simplest solution would be to set the Backdrop colour, rather than Background,.it kind of works out the same for the screne you have there.
you could also set the output to png with alpha,. so you can add a different background in a video editor or image editor.
check the Scene Background keys in the sequencer Timeline, as the colour value can be animated over time and there could be an accidental keyframe colour change somewhere.
hope it helps :)
I have had problems with Backdrops before but this worked perfectly, thanks!!
I spoke too soon, it did not work but I thought it did because the Camera1 view has the correct dark blue backdrop. I still have a grey background in render even though the background and backdrop are dark blue! There is no change on the scene timeline by the way.
_try a Cube as Background _Make Like Flat Wall
_Just Bigger than Camera view _ Make it colour you want
thanx_ _
rotating infinite plane makes a handy background prop
when all else fails, delete all the lights and start fresh
instead of orbiting the camera to the back, rotate everything in the scene to face the camera they way you want to pov it
Thanks ed3D. Such a simple solution and it worked perfectly. I don't know why this file got corrupted (?) but at least I can use it now.
Again, thanks all! This forum is so much help.
When you make a cube, and then flatten it like a big screen TV, you have to use the planar shader type to get your image on there. Depending upon how you rotate and flatten it, you have to switch around on the planar box to get the image in front.
I do this often because backdrop images I want to use are often out of proportion to the distance in the scene or the camera angle. Can you post a render anyways of what you get that is not correct now? I am really curious.... I did not see your xyz plane in the set up. What are the coordinates of your group's main focus? Close to 0,0,0 ??? I once had a scene that was accidently set up large and my bits were hundreds of units away from the centre and the lighting got all screwed up because of it.
My image above has several molecules which fit within the standard x,y.z grid when you open a new file. All in the middle of the scene from 0,0,0. I have two spots and one light pointing at the objects from left back, right, and left front respectively. I put the lights just out of the Camera1 view so that the objects would be bright against the dark blue. Pointed them carefully too. When I put the large dark blue wall behind the x,y.z plane, the Camera1 image you see here was turned dark blue. I accidentally put the wall in front of one of the lights so the color was a little darker but moving the wall behind the light restored the dark blue. Simple and effective manual backdrop. I have not had this problem with any other file so I don't think I will need this again.
I am almost ready to load these animations into a YouTube series on Microwave Chemistry. Not going to be viral for sure!
_you're very welcome_
one could suppose like an Blue/Green screen , then