Animating a DForce Wind Node... is it possible?

I've been playing around a bit with DForfce simulation in DS 4.11 and an idea came to mind. As a bit of experimentation I wanted to see what would happen if I were to able to have a DForce wind node osciallate like a fan you'd have in your home blowing against a piece of cloth. But when I use the timeline to apply a keyframe at frame zero, then move to frame 15 and rotate the wind node say like 45 degrees in one direction and apply a keyframe there... if I go back to frame zero the wind node keeps to rotation I had at frame fifteen. I even tried having it point at a null node and translating the null to see if that would work but it didn't since the null wouldn't animate either.

Am I missing something or Is it possible to animate a DForce Wind node with regards to translation/rotation? No huge deal if a thing isn't currently supported (like I said I'm just experimenting) but if it's not maybe something to add in the future?


  • I just tried and it seemed to work as expected. I adjusted the placement in frame 0, moved to frame 30, adjusted again, and it interpolates btween the two positions.

  • hfstimehfstime Posts: 0

    I just tried and it seemed to work as expected. I adjusted the placement in frame 0, moved to frame 30, adjusted again, and it interpolates btween the two positions.

    Very strange, I wonder why it wouldn't for me. Now what I did happen to discover by accident was that if I duplicated the wind node the duplicate would just be listed as 'Wind' instead of 'DForce Wind' And THAT one I was able to animate. Curious why the very first one was being weird though.

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