Bending a pillow: best way to go about it?
I'm trying to figure out something, and at the moment I'm nt finding an answer... or at least some ideas that might lead me to one.
In the attached image you'll see a stack of pillows with one angled off the top of the stack. Now normally this pillow would bend some. And I'm trying to figure out how to do that. I tried playing around with some of the suggestions brought up in the dForce tutorials RGcincy put together (the one about creating a foot stool seemed the closest to what I was looking for). But when I tried putting an object an top of the pillow whether it was a cylinder or a cube the shape of the pillow deformed way more than an actual pillow would even when bending. I feel like the answer is somewhere with the various weight map types but I'm not finding the right combination of information on what which one does to maybe give me some direction on how to solve for this.
Any ideas?
You could also look at using dForms, possibly with weight maps.