importing to a shader

I know I've seen this before, but the search options here aren't great.  I bought a file to make a shader from.  The pictures it gave me are clasified as "albedo, metallic, roughness, cavity, normal, height, ao and ID maps."

Can someone tell me what to map those to in Iray, and what to start the values at?  I know Normal, and Albedo seems to be Base Color.  I'm assuming Metallic is metallic, and Diffuse Roughness is roughness (maybe).  But not sure on the others.


  • Height would probably be displaement, ID, AO, and cavity wouldn't be used dirctly though you might use AO to control, say, Top Coat to show wear (the AO will be darker in recessed areas than in exposed areas), and I think much the same might be true of Cavity.

  • Thanks.  I'll give it a shot.

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