ShareCG G8M barbarian - can someone try to download this?
Barbarian Outfit Untextured for Misty's G8M - In DUF format - you will have to convert fiugue rigging to blended weight (save as support asset) to use in Carrara, and best if you apply some textures
Post edited by Diomede on
downloaded but not sure when I can try it as my PC tied up doing stuff
Has anyone tried it yet?
Is there a data error when conforming the pants?
Error with the pants, all other items loaded okay.
Checked that software that they have to give away as well.
OK Thanks - will investigate
yes you have people nested in a content folder and it needs clothing folder under Genesis 8 Male
I will drill down and see if the pants are also misplaced in a folder when I get time if you haven't fixed it
yes his dacks have gone awol from Data
the runtime and data folder go inside the content folder.
Could someone check again please?
Doh, just saw your post, Misty. I just posted an update that should address the pants dsf as per Wendy.
Barbarian Outfit Untextured
the runtime and data folder go inside the content folder.
dufs are in the right place.
the dsfs and textures won't be found unless the data and runtime folders are inside the content folder.
Another Update!!
Could someone download and try the outfit now?
I started over. Pants dsf should be in the data file. The data and runtime should be in the content folder. The outfit is in People \ Genesis 8 Male \ Clothing \ Diomede
Fingers crossed
Barbarian Outfit Yet Again
Houstan we still have a problem.
Loading fine but when applying a pose in Carrara nothing happens with the clothing. Works fine in DAZ Studio.
You converting to blended weight?
can't get my G8Carrara man to load up .. throws morph loading errors.. so I loaded up G8CarraraGirl and loaded the duds and shoes with no worries.. posed ok
what I did do first though in DS was change the weight mapping of the items
now I gotta work out why the G8MCarrara won't load.. as I never use them I hadn't noticed before till now..
does the DAZ studio man load?
maybe your starter essentials borked
Converting to blended weight and saving as a Support Asset worked, thanks for the tip !!!
Thanks, Bunyip. You have a very fitting character there for the outfit. Great job!
Here is a thumbnail of an image by MysticArtsDesigns. Pretty cool.
Awesome render.
I used some leather and metal shaders on my render
luv his shoes