Timeline help

I was kit-bashing an interior scene and at one point, draped a curtain using D-Force along a timeline animation. Once it finished it landed on frame 30 and stayed there while I worked another 4 hours placing objects. But now frame 30 is my final set up and I didn't notice until I wanted to drape another cloth over a table. All the furniture gets scrambled to default load of z=0, y=0, x=0.


How do I cut out the previous frames and make frame 30 - frame 1?


  • tdctdc Posts: 130

    Oh, wait! I found an answer.

    On frame 30 I...

    In the NODES pane, I right-clicked and SELECTED ALL OBJECTS


    I did Edit>Object>Memorize>Memorize Selected Objects

    Then scooted over to frame 1

    Edit>Object>Restore>Restore Selected Objects

    And that worked!

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