Re Timing Animation

Can I retime an animation in DAZ Studio 4.11? I want to slow my animation down.I have tried to add more frames but it does not seem to work! Cheers
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Can I retime an animation in DAZ Studio 4.11? I want to slow my animation down.I have tried to add more frames but it does not seem to work! Cheers
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4.12 introduced Graphmate and Keymate as regular features, which allow you to move keys.
You just change the FPS (frames per second) to a higher number. Lower numbers make it go faster. The spend it plays back in DAZ Studio timeline won't be very accurate in either case in most cases.
Hm not sure what you mean;) You said it your self, frames per second. If you have a second of 25fps animation and raise it to 30fps, it will still take a second=)
Changing a 30 FPS animation to 60 FPS will slow down the motion for the rendered final.
Also bake the animation to an aniblock and stretching the aniblock ( 200%) should work also
and then there is the free script from Mcasual called "retime animation".
So would you care to explain this to me? I can only see that happening if you render at double framerate, then slow down the movie by half to keep the framerate constant.
If you have 1000 frame animation, at 10 FPS it's 100 seconds long. At 100 FPS, the same 1000 frame animation is only 10 seconds long.
...or if I have a 10 sec animation at 30fps and render it at 60 fps it will be 10 sec:)
Yeah, but the studio timeline length is set by total frames, not by total time, no?
True, but my point is, if I render as a movie, it will playback in a video player with the same speed regardless of framerate. So going from 30 to 60 fps will only tell DS to render the double amount of frames.
Hi Everyone,Is there a link to Mcasuals re time animation? I went to his site and wrote retime animation and nothing came up! Cheers
Blender, VirtualDub and such SW has the ability to change the framerate used with making a movie using DAZ stills as well, it's not peculiar to DAZ Studio
It's Frames per Second not second per second as that would always be 1.
When i changed the frame rate to one third of what it was (in order to make the walking ani8mation go faster) and render all frames it only rednered around 12 frames from the around 59 original frames-then when i exported in gimp as gif - the result was the animation was no longer full, seems the second half isnt there-it skips back to the start half way through the walk-the only solution I came up with is only open 1/3 of the frames (rendered .png's) as layers-this did make the walk correct speed and the missing frames are not noticable in the walking gif - I don't know if this is the best way but I can't find any info o
it certainly can slow it down increasing frame rate if rendering to image series, I do it all the time.
DAZ renders to image series anyway, they are all sitting in application data roaming somewhere until you save the video after which it deletes them
If you use Animate and it's aniblocks, there is a speed option in there.