render Daz Studio animations in Blender Script that fixes FBX Animation problems

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited August 2019 in Freebies

render Daz Studio anims  in Blender FBX Animation

For each figure in the scene 

For each frame of the playRange

Export the figure pose-animation as Blender-Python-Script code

The resulting Blender Python Script can be used after manually importing

the FBX scene that was manually exported from Daz Studio

Note that this functionality will be added to mcjTeleBlender 4 Beta 

mcjTeleBlender can also create blender-python scripts to fix the materials produced by the FBX transfer


700 x 700 - 83K
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  • Ooooh new toy! Thank you very much

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    transferring animations from daz studio to blender, using FBX and my scripts works quite well but it didn't pass the acid test of animated root-node rotations ... so i'll work on that. also i don't like the cameras and lights created by blender's FBX importer - so eventually my scripts will also export camera animations and lights


  • Great work as always, this person was inspired by your work and made a script you might be interested in >>>

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    today or tomorrow we should have a new improved version of the animation export/import system Daz Studio--> Blender. In the meantime, avoid parenting figures to something else, because it messes the clothes. And avoid animating the root node of figures, animate the hip

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605


    August 31st 12:34PM

    mcjTeleBlender 4 Beta

    ( FBX pose-animation issues )

    ( FBX material issues )



    ( FBX pose-animation issues )


    i plan to release many other updates

    notably, one that fixes position ( location ) issues of rotated props

    so come back soon

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited September 2019

    ( Update soon but not right now )

    daz studio - FBX - Blender ... we'll cross that bridge when that bridge will be safe and there will be a snack-bar near the bridge with $3 hot-dogs, big hot-dogs

    this was an acid-test for rotated props

    now i have to see about Gabrielle's hair-prop and hat-prop positions which have a small offset problem

    oops looks like my latest code fixed the hat and hair offset --- it's relative to prop origins which are not 0,0,0

    1920 x 1000 - 316K
    Post edited by mCasual on
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    Daz Studio -- FBX -- Blender 2.8 -- NEWS


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