Carrara Challenge 48 - Voting Thread - transcendent or immanent - Winners!
One meaning of transcendent is an adjective used to describe that which is above or beyond normal or merely physical human experience. It is sometimes contrasted with immanent, which is sometimes defined as being naturally part of something, existing within and throughout it. Your task is to use Carrara as part of a workflow to create an image inspired by the transcendent, or the immanent, or the simultaneously transcendent and immanent.
- entry thread opens Sun, Aug 25
- Entries close, voting begins, Sun, Sep 8th
Note - at this point there is no Daz sponsorship of challenge 48
With your entry, please include
Entry Number
WIP link
Post edited by Diomede on
Entry Number: 1
Title: Training While Blinded
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
WIP link
Comments/Credits: Credits for TangoAlpha MVStella Engineering Deck scifi set, the LD Alfred outfit for G2M, and the Retro Future Helmet, all available from Daz. Modeled the training droid with replicated greebles. Lasers done with glow channel, aura effect tab, and alpha shader, not with post work.
Entry Number: 2
Title: Garden of Contemplation
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
WIP link:
Comments/Credits: Howie Farkes World Gardens Japan, Lee 6, and Mei Lin 6.
Entry Number: 3
Title: " .... it's full of stars! "
Artist: Bunyip02
WIP link:
Comments/Credits: Genesis -
Galactic Corps Defender -
Mars Explorers - Midnight Stories -
Starry Sky - Dartanbeck - no longer available
Nebula - Designfera - Renderosity
Plasma Effects - Designfera - Renderosity
Entry Number: 4
Title: Transcendent Evolution - Gigantoraptor to Emu
Artist: Bunyip02
WIP link:
Comments/Credits: The Egg - Traveler -
Gigantoraptor -
Emu - Stezza -
FM_EasyEnvironments - Greenlands -
Entry Number: 5
Title: The Daydream
Artist: Bunyip02
WIP link:
Comments/Credits: Genesis -
Genesis Generation X2 -
GenX AddOn Gen3 for A3 and H3 -
A3 and H3 Shapes for Genesis -
Over 20 morphs from Aiko 3, Hiro 3, Victoria 4, Michael 4, & Genesis used for Dragon critter
Texture Converter 2 - 3D Universe
LM Dragonne Mardi Victoria3 - Lyrra Madril
Victoria 4.2 Base -
Arizona Hair -
V4 Elite Texture: Amy -
Giant Twisters in the Lagoon Nebula - GPN-2000-001371 -
Entry Number: 6
Title: Dragon Egg
Artist: Bunyip02
WIP link:
Comments/Credits: DAZ Dragon 3 -
Xenodreki - The Alien Dragon HD -
Iray HDRI Space -
Entry Number: 7
Title: Prickly Moon Tribble
Artist: Misty
WIP link:
used displacement paint brushed. learned holding shift inverts the brush, mountains become craters
Entry Number: 8
Title: Vivre le Greebre
Artist: Misty
WIP link:
Entry Number: 9
Title: Jaggertaz
Artist: Misty
WIP link:
AM's jaguar playing with hair, goaling for fine hairs with density settings. i did put the texture map in root and tip
Entry Number: 10
Title: Ships Ahoy
Artist: Misty
WIP link
used a sky and hdri from Carrara Skies Lightdomes Bundle (
not in store no moars)
and a winston IN Sky ship from the other place
rara native reflection shader on ocean, tucked an infinite plane under ocean.
EDIT: N/A _ sorry
Entry Number - #11
Title - God Particle Generator
Artist - Stezza
WIP link -
Comments/Credits - kit bashed some of Mr Sparky's models for this one.. also used Dr Pitterbil and of course LoRenzo
Entry Number - #12
Title - Little Blue Ball
Artist - Headwax
WIP link -
Comments/Credits - well used one light in this - placed over the ball - worked up the result with Ron's brushes and Affdinity photo tone mapping, used a little bit of noise to get texture on the skin - severly cropped the original image - which I rendered out at 6000 pixels in height
MANY T HANKS to Ted for taking over the reigns so superbly onvece again!!!
wip link
entry: #13
artist: shlomi laszlo
title: immamecny of the eschaton?
Entry #14
Title: The Far Side
Artist: UnifiedBrain
WIP link:
Comments/Credits: Animals in the render are mostly Daz. Deer is the freebie from Lyn's Creations. Bullwinkle is a kitbash from various Carrara native objects plus antlers done in the spline modeler, and was originally featured in the Tomato Challenge. The hunter head and hands are from Carrara native objects modified in the modeling room. Body, nose, sleeves and glasses are just primitives. The hat is the freebie pith helmet from GC WW1 headware pack2.
Processes include Carrara sun, Carrara text, Carrara landscape, GMIC, and Sparrowhawke Edge falloff shader.
No postwork.
Entry #15
Title: Immanence in Pearls
Artist: UnifiedBrain
WIP link:
Comments/Credits: Victoria 1 in Carrara, Fotosketcher, and PSE. I don't remember all the props, but there aren't many anyway. The flowers were Travelers Naturals Jungle pack 2 (I think). Other items are Crossover bikini and Xanadu hair.
Entry #16
Title: When God Awakens
Artist: UnifiedBrain
WIP link:
Comments/Credits: This kitbash is an homage to pulp comics/magazines. Most of the machine is the Daz Generator. Other parts include Vickies Brain, The Mad Lab, The Organ, Carrara Eiffel Tower, DNA Morphing coat, Mad Dr. for Genesis, Nova Hair, Zac hair, V3, and M5.
Carrara processes include Text, Aura, Clouds, Edge Falloff, and GMIC.
No postwork.
Entry #17
Title: Curse of the Wolf
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
WIP Link -
Comments - Hope you have your silver bullets ready. Figure is Garou that came with Poser. Black and white result from coverage pass, shadow pass, NPR outline, and two GMIC filters.
Entry #: 18
Title: Worshipping the God.
Artist: evilproducer
WIP Link:
Notes: I wanted to do a picture using a photogrphic background plate. I was at a very primordial looking state natural area and when I looked at the photos I took, I thought they lent themselves to this type of picture. For anyone interested, the scale is accurate as far as the human in the scene as I had a photo from a similar angle with people in the shot. The location is in Wisconsin, and it is called Parfrey's Glen State Natural Area. The area experienced a 500 year flood a couple years ago which destroyed the trails and other infrastructure as well as reshaped the some of the gorge. The only way back to where I took the photo was a trailless hike deep into the gorge. It is doable and not very hard if you are in decent shape and don't mind getting dirty and wet.
Entry Number: # 19
Title: Temple of the Ancient Ones
Artist: ed3D
WIP link:
Comments/Credits: an Ancient Temple , visited by modern day people
the blocks, _ statue base and temple base are primatives cubes
Entries Closed
Please vote for 3 entries.
provide entry number, title, artist, and comment if you wish
Voting will close next Sunday night midnight, September 15, Daz Utah time
Note - I will be on the road again for a while, so I might be delayed in closing and tallying the votes. The voting thread will not close before Sunday midnght Daz Utah time. Votes will be accepted until I am able to close the thread.
Vote for up to three images.
#12 Title: Little Blue Ball
Artist - Headwax
-to me it reminds me of classic Asimov
#15 Title: Immanence in Pearls
Artist: UnifiedBrain
-looks stunning!
#17 Title: Curse of the Wolf
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
-muscles pinup
an HM to
# 19 Title: Temple of the Ancient Ones
Artist: ed3D
-looks fresh and new, nice terrain work
Could have easily voted for 8 instead of 3 !!!
Entry Number: 2
Title: Garden of Contemplation
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry Number: 10
Title: Ships Ahoy
Artist: Misty
Entry Number - #12
Title - Little Blue Ball
Artist - Headwax
Entry Number: 2
Title: Garden of Contemplation
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry Number: 8
Title: Vivre le Greebre
Artist: Misty
Entry #16
Title: When God Awakens
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry Number: 3
Title: " .... it's full of stars! "
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry Number: 13
Title: immamecny of the eschaton?
Artist: shlomi laszlo
Entry Number: 16
Title: When God Awakens
Artist: UnifiedBrain
3, 17, 18 and 19.
Entry Number: 1
Title: Training While Blinded
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Maybe I got something wrong, but nevertheless had to smile
Entry #14,
Title: The Far Side
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Gerry Larson always gives an extra point!
Entry #: 18
Title: Worshipping the God.
Artist: evilproducer
Just because it's so well done.
Entry Number: 4
Title: Transcendent Evolution - Gigantoraptor to Emu
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry Number: 8
Title: Vivre le Greebre
Artist: Misty
Entry #15
Title: Immanence in Pearls
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry Number: 4
Title: Transcendent Evolution - Gigantoraptor to Emu
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry Number: 9
Title: Jaggertaz
Artist: Misty
Entry #: 18
Title: Worshipping the God.
Artist: evilproducer
Wow. Not easy to vote.... all are so beauitiful. And, very well done.
Good luck to everyone here.