Animating Dforce clothes sticking to other body parts



I'm animating a character with dforce clothing.  The arm of the character is just bare skin and during the animation it moves towards the chest, clips into the chest, and then moves away from the chest.  Because of that the cloth in the chest area is messed up like it is being "pulled" towards the arm.  What setting should i mess with in the dforce simulator or clothes parameters to keep the shirt snug against the chest and not pull away when the arm touches it? without having to redo the animation itself.


  • Unfortunately adjusting the animation so it doesn't clip is probaly the answer. Tou might be able to use morphs or dForms to eliminate the clipping without changing the posing.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,997

    You may be able to set teh figure's arm material zone not to be visible in simulation, but it'd depend on the item(s) of dForce clothing and what areas they partially cover.

  • Something weird happened when rendered the animation. The cloth ended up rendering without sticking to any body parts.  Another weird thing is when i was in Daz3ds and i hit play in the timeline parts of the clothing would clip through the skin (different part from the one i was having trouble with).  But in the rendered clip the clothing did not clip.  When i advance the timeline slowly frame by frame it seems like the position of the cloth is getting recalculated/readjusted and after a split second it is fixed and it goes from clipping to not clipping.  But when in play mode the cloth doesnt have enough time to reposition so it ends up clipping in every frame.


    I guess for now the problem is resolved, but i'll have to keep an eye on it.

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