Old Father Time Freebie

mrsparkymrsparky Posts: 248
edited December 1969 in Freebies

Dali meets Disney in this toon style representation of Old Father Time. This curved pocket watch includes modeled traditional cliches of old age and New Year such as walking stick, slippers and scythe. Plus a textured face with moustache clock hands. A blank texture template for the face is also included.

Download from.....


Plus the readme file in this freebies zip also describes how I used the open source software Meshlab. To try and attempt to resolve the age old problem with meshes, finding a decent solution to reducing polycount and filesize without losing quality and UV/mapping info.

600 x 600 - 39K


  • cimairacimaira Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Awesome! Thank you :)

  • mininessiemininessie Posts: 324
    edited December 1969

    awww...this is so cute!!! thanks again!

  • trumarcartrumarcar Posts: 489
    edited December 1969

    As always, so cute I could eat it up!! Thank you so much.

    (Please excuse mumbling - gears in my teeth.)

  • edited December 1969

    It's Salvador Dali's pocketwatch! :o)

  • DorseylandDorseyland Posts: 724
    edited December 1969

    Great stuff, Spark! Dali DID of course meet Disney and together they made the wonderful animated short film "Destino", but unfortunately a walking melted watch was not among the characters featured.

    I have wanted to warp a pocketwatch since I first started in 3D art but STILL haven't learned to model. This will do nicely in the meantime. Thank you!

  • Jan_ScrapperJan_Scrapper Posts: 351
    edited December 1969

    Thank you so much for this wonderful clock for out with the old and in with the new!!

    I love Dali art and he is my son's fav!! I cannot name a fav :(

    Anyway, all of your freebies are wonderful. Have a wonderful new year!!

  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 635
    edited December 1969

    i love your stuff, Mr Sparky...it always makes me smile :-)

  • mrsparkymrsparky Posts: 248
    edited December 1969

    Thanks everyone and sorry for not replying sooner to these - only just seen the replies!
    BTW Dorseyland didn't know that - nice to learn something new there.

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