Is there a fine tuning modifier key?
In blender, a very usefull feature, when you need to fine tune something, like say getting one object to just touch the surface of another object, you get it close as you can normally, then you can hold shift, and it will move less fast. Does DS have something like this, fine tuning been driving me crazy lately. Even turning down my mouse DPI from 3 to 0 doesn't seem to help the jerkiness any, and I have to go back and forth on the sliders, trying to hit that sweet spot I am looking for.
Not while dragging in the Viewport, but if you click the gear icon on the slider and select Parameter Settings you can adjust the sensitivity of the slider.
Ah damn, was hoping there was some modifier key I just forgot about. I could use the gear trick for the stuff that really gets under my skin. Kind of a pain to do but it's better than nothin
You could probably write a simple script to double/halve sensitivity and put it on the Taskbar or in a convenient menu - the fiddliest bit might be targeting, if you didn't want to use it on all transforms at once, and storing the base value so you could easily restore it (if you wanted that).
It certainly would be nice to have a shortcut key to hold while adjusting for fine-tuning, wouldn't it? Please submit a feature request if you haven't already.
It might be nice to have a tool which moves fingers/hands/arms or legs/feet/toes until they contact another surface, too!
I agree, this would be a very nice feature. Something like Blender's press-and-hold-Shift. Another option, for allowing finer adjustments during rotation, would be to allow us to increase the radius of the rotation gizmo.
Yes! Increasing all the parameters of the gizmo would be nice -- especially the tiny arrows. I can't be the only one using a 4K monitor with this application.
When adjusting the sensativity, you will need to disable limits or the sensativity will not be noticalbe.