painting renders and animation - part 4

Welcome - hope you see some thing you like .
These are renders from the old thread made into a slide show . Comments are welcome !
Light Fusion
Light Fusion 2
This the old thread -
Post edited by bigh on
1 0114
1 0114 B
I watched the first video...very cool...then I looked at your page...I love Spore....that was a fun program...LOL ..well I will be busy watching...Trish
spore is fun - wish you could build models as easy in other program
1 0114 C
Oh Snap!! Those trees in the first image are to Die for. Great image if a bit silly.
don't go to yellow stone nation park - bad stuff can happen :ohh:
1 0114 D - save the last dance for me
nice Ilike that outfit ....very happy setting
thank you
1 0214 I
1 0214
1 0314
Now that is COOL, two figures? Or just lots of settings?
thank you - light setting
1 0314 R
now I just need a boat so I can float down this peaceful river....
row row your boat gentle down the stream .
1 0414 - the Queen Sleeps
1 0414 - the hideout - don't tell any one
LOL will be our secret
1 0514
1 0514 D
Wow, Dragon lands and the Dragons Lair. Nice combo....
thank you
I especially like your river scene. Very nice composition. I'd like to sit a while on the rock in the shade of those beautiful trees and cool my feet in the water.
thank you - sounds like fun - lets go :-)
1 0614 - we will control what U C and Hear
a Bryce - Frost Bite
1 0614 L