GOZ for bridge from daz studio4.6 to zbrush not working.... grrrr... pls help! - part 1

octobusoctobus Posts: 117
edited January 2014 in New Users

hi there....

i have download zbrush 4R6 yesterday.... it´s an amazing tool...

BUT: the bridge does not work....

if i try to send something to zbrush daz tells me it´s unable to connect with zbrush and i should check the installation

here are some hardfacts to discribe the surrounding of the problem

i am using mac and run 10.6.8

daz studio 4.6

zbrush 4R6


GoZ is active/ loaded in daz

in zbrush the path to daz seems to be correct


i have read many threads in several forums to locate the problem...
looks like i am not the only one with trouble

i uninstalled everything and re-installed following these instuctions (for win) that i have found somewhere

- Download a single installer for zbrush 4.5
- Download latest version of DS
- Download the latest version of GoZ for DAZ Studio

- Uninstall DS
- Uninstall GoZ for DS
- deactive zbrush
- Uninstall zbrush
- manually delete all remaining files in C:\Users\Public\Pixologic

- Optional: use a software like CCleaner to remove unused references and clean the registry
(Update /Edit: Thank you Natasevol for confirming that this step can be skipped)

- reinstall zbrush
- activate zbrush
- reinstall DS
- reinstall GoZ for DS

i don´t know what else to try

i´ll post some extra screenshots in following post to make the case more clear

434 x 134 - 32K
Post edited by octobus on


  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117
    edited January 2014

    here are some more screenshots to show the enviroment of the problem

    517 x 484 - 60K
    Post edited by octobus on
  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117
    edited December 1969

    the path is correct - i think?

    805 x 291 - 43K
  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117
    edited December 1969

    just uninstalled and reinstalled everything again... with no difference... of cause :(

    one more info photoshop goz installaion does also not work... in this case the error is that the path could not be found!??

    666 x 410 - 42K
  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117
    edited December 1969

    ok.... i have updated goz for zbrush and now it works!!!! happy!!!!

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