Oriana G8F skin error

This is Oriana G8F (SKU:48035) rendered right out of the box.

As is obvious there is something wrong with the skin. (see image)

There are three skin options. This problem occurs with option 1 and 3 while option 2 looks ok.

I have tested different light settings and to reinstall the item. Same issue.

Any ideas how to fix this?


Oriana Error skin TEST.jpg
900 x 1200 - 221K


  • When you say options, what do you mean?


  • reserv888reserv888 Posts: 1,150

    I mean these three options. (see image)

    Of those three, #2 renders as it should, while #1 and #3 doesn't.


    Oriana skin options.jpg
    558 x 645 - 181K
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