Multi-layered .EXR files and After Effects
I'm trying to generate image sequences with multiple canvases to import them in After Effects but everything is too white or too dark due to the EXR format.
I'd like to manage the layers for video compositing like that : Unfortunately, the canvases are generated in individual files instead of a multi-layered EXR file as shown in the example above, and the exposition correction doesn't work.
If I load a single image in Photoshop, I can manually adjust the exposition like that :
But in After Effects, It doesn't work, everything stay dark...
1. Do you know how to manage EXR images sequences from DazStudio in After Effects ?
2.Is it a way to export canvases in another format than EXR ?
3.Is it possible to generate multilayered EXR instead of separate files ? It takes so much time to correct and reassemble them manually...
The compositing by layers in Daz Studio seems very complicated...
Thank you for your help.
I don't have After Effects, but I can answer two of your 3 questions.
2. Is there a way to export canvases in another format than EXR?
A: No, there isn't. As I understand it, the EXR format is built into the Iray canvas implementation so it's not something that Daz chose for Studio
3. Is it possible to generate multilayered EXR instaead of seperate files?
A: No, I don't think so. Again, my understanding is that this is a limitation of Iray's canvas system.
HOWEVER, the canvas system can actually be tweaked beyond the options that are built into the interface using something called Light Path Expressions (LPE). It is NOT trivial and there's not a lot of good documentation on it. I can't guarantee this would help with your specific case, but it might be something worth looking into. Some threads here on the forums that have good information include:
You should check out ProEFX by Fnord. If you figure your comp in PS you should be able get a handle on the AE comp... EXR is standard in big boy compositing software, Fnord addresses for AE