Render keeps crashing - monitors are off completely, untill poweroff
About 1 out of 5 tries to render in IRAY, DAZ simply crashes, and both my monitors turns off, like no signal from video card at all :(
nothing helps, untill I simply force poweroff :( Before monitors goes off, I can see some white small popup, but for such short time, that cannot even read whats written.
I use CPU for rendering, as GPU is very weak.
CPU is Intel i5-8600K 3.6Ghz
16GB ram
video Nvidia 210 lol
windows10 64bit
I did not change anything in render settings, except resolution (full HD)
anyone had similar issue? any hints?
it simply become so frustrating :(
That sounds more like a hardware issue being triggered by the high demands of rendering than a DS fault as such. Though If you are using a recent version of DS I doubt the GPU is actually doing anything, more likely it's using the CPU.
Agreed. This has all the indications of a hardware failure. Upgrade drivers for the NVIDIA card. If you already upgraded and this issued followed, try downgrading. Ensure there's enough cooling AND power for all hardware, especially if you recently upgraded video cards or added new components. Run diagnostic tools or stress testers on the video card and CPU, if available. Check your event logs to see if there's any useful information. Check DAZ logs, too.
thanks for comments.
I've checked system logs first - amazingly, PC went out of virtual memory, which seems amazing to me, as I have 16 GB of RAM.
In my case, virtual memory was disabled completely by some reason.
Currently I've just enabled virtual memory. So far - so good. Tried render the same scene few times - works.
Thanks for tips!
UPDATING after week or two - yes, it WAS issue. Whatever now I try to render - it always works.
Thanks again for tips.
Sounds disturbingly like my issue a few weeks ago that culminated in me buying a new computer